A place to share your own music and creative projects.
#59643 by danra
Fri Dec 10, 2004 7:34 am
Hey everyone...

Following the break up of my last band, this is what i've been doing. I think you'll be able to tell the stronger influences :wink: , but i'd love y'all to have a listen and let me know what you think...



#59657 by Falk
Fri Dec 10, 2004 11:29 am
Hey that's pretty good !

Lol, I was gonna say that it sound's a bit "Devyish", like Deadhead particularly I think, and like Tool (the end mostly), then realized it was written on the page^^.
I usually prefer much deeper voices (or screaming "à la Devin"), but it's ok, it goes along well with the music.

I like the fact that the song is long. Long songs are often desctructurated (exept Aftermath, but it's another (really good) story), well back on topic, I mean when a song is long you don't have the usual verse-chorus-verse-chorus-break/bridge-chorus structure, and that's way better, you don't know what to expect (like Deadhead, Sunday Afternoon).
The stereo of the 2 guitars in the middle is nice too.

Talking about what you don't expect, I wonder if the transition to the solo isn't a bit quick, oh well I don't know...
Are you doing everything or is it a band ?

#59661 by danra
Fri Dec 10, 2004 12:36 pm
thanks for listening! it's all me on there, i programmed the drums myself :wink:

i can't sing like devin, so basically i just try to sing in a way that suits me. can't be helped i'm afraid....i was singing in a higher register a lot of the time which could probably do with a contrast now you mention it...i'll bear that in mind for the next songs!

about the structure, it was a bit of a case of three different ideas crowbarred together, so i didn't play around with the structure too much...which part did you mean by the solo, the middle section?

anyway, thanks again for the feedback...


#59694 by mo
Fri Dec 10, 2004 4:20 pm
Yeah I fucken like it dude... Listening now. Vocals remind me of tool/apc sometimes.

Keep it up man!

#59695 by mo
Fri Dec 10, 2004 4:21 pm
we used to program our drums, be careful because we got a bit silly and ended up thinking we'd never find a drummer cos our shit was too hard. Well thankfully we've found that drummer (he's only 15 too!) but there's still one song he needs to get fast enough on, he's getting there.

Are you going to get a drummer?

#59759 by Blazingmonga
Sat Dec 11, 2004 6:50 am
I really liked this, nice song, nice production. Cool guitar and vocals, well done! Keep up the good work.

Its awesome hearing everyones music here, I havent heard a bad song yet (well, maybe a few heh, but this aint one).


#59760 by danra
Sat Dec 11, 2004 7:12 am
thanks again guys, it's great to have a place like this where us non-rock stars can play to a bit of an audience...

you, i'm probably going to get a band together and i've more or less accepted a real drummer probably wouldn't play anything like the drums i've prgrammed anyway - i am a guitarist after all, and the drums were mostly written by going 'hmm, i need a noise there...no, not that one, it sounds like a bongo..how about this..''

vocals sound like tool and apc? man that's a compliment, how much do i owe you?


#60263 by Will
Tue Dec 14, 2004 12:57 am
darna does cool music.

#62129 by Bowden
Wed Dec 22, 2004 2:42 pm
Dude Ive been listen to it non stop for days now man,very cool! When you gonna get another one to us? The influences are noticable but you still pull off a fresh sound. Check out "Godspeed you black emporer" they have a similar yet darker and mournful sound. Also there is this guy on MP3.com.au called Alex niedt. He's got a ton of songs posted and i think his sound is the same thing your going for.

Keep up the good work man!


#62131 by Persuader
Wed Dec 22, 2004 2:53 pm
One of the best songs posted on this board, nice work.

#62558 by fragility
Sat Dec 25, 2004 12:53 am
Woah!! I've been itchign to listen ot this but every time I've tried at work I've had something else to deal with.

Great work!!! Sounds great, nice guitar work and layering, and your voice rocks! Move to Portsmouth and you got yourself a band! ;)

#63472 by danra
Fri Dec 31, 2004 3:59 am
Cheers guys, that's some good stuff to come back to after being away for christmas! The second song is just waiting for the vocals to go on, and maybe a bit of extra guitar, and then it'll be up. Unfortunately i have a monster cold right now so i don't know when it's going to get done...

#64084 by Woocifer
Mon Jan 03, 2005 9:17 pm
Well I like it...and as most on here, if they have read whatever I've said, know that that isn't too common...but this, I like. It's lush enough not to be too rediculous, and it's interesting enough not to be without feeling.

Good show...not too impressed by most people with their approach to music due to the dull boring uninspired ways of doing it, yeah it borrows styles of the obvious, but not unecessarily(in fact don't lose the singing, it differentiates yourself because of your voice)...that and this is clean. I just picked up some recording hardware but can't get a clean distortion out of my amp for recording yet...otherwise I'd be screwin around too.

What did you use for a drum machine?

#64170 by danra
Tue Jan 04, 2005 6:35 am
cheers matey....the drums were one of the synths from the cakewalk sonar 3 producer edition, although i'm not sure which one because i originally programmed them through one synth then sent them to my mate who put them through a different synthesizer to get a better sound....

#64272 by Woocifer
Tue Jan 04, 2005 1:40 pm
So you used Cakewalk eh?...I'm struggling with Cubase v2 right now but it keeps crashing on me...and I can't seem to figure out how to sequence the drums...let alone find a good drum sound.

But then again I've been trying to do that through fruity loops but that is a piece of dick bag once it gets exported...

What kind of rig do you have for your distortion, cuz I'm finding my XXX to be WAY too overdriven for a microphone, even on low distortion settings.

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