A place to share your own music and creative projects.
#25285 by The Devourer
Wed May 26, 2004 5:29 pm
Ok so this is my fun little project called ModRock consisting of IamARockGod (me) and moderus prime from the fear factory forum. Check out our material, it's quite awesome actually. nintendominx and samus are the best one's we've got thats released so far. the new one me and moderus are in the process of finishing will be released soon. if you'd like a sneek peak at it PM me but don't say anything to anybody about it until it gets released officially. and also whatever you think about modrock, I'd appreciate it if you posted it here. I don't give a fuck if you flame me in any way. as long as it's honest and moderus doesn't see you flame the music. hehe

last but not least, right click save as the files and then it'll download when you try to play the file when connected to the internet. prepare for ownage...hand me your pink slip at door. :twisted:


#25314 by The Devourer
Wed May 26, 2004 10:32 pm
thank you thank you. now download :lol: don't worry it's not shitty in all actuality. even though the recording is basically shit on the guitar for the most part :cry:

#47914 by The Devourer
Fri Sep 24, 2004 8:02 am
well now that my band modrock 86 (we changed the name due to adding a member) is signed to uplift recordings, things are starting to get quite interesting....

new songs are up on the idj.com site as well.

Probably the one people are freaking out over (im very humble opinion haha) the most is "In Vein." We have 2 versions, but the second one was mixed shitty. anywho it's just a demo not from the album which we haven't even recorded yet. The album is probably like a year or two till we will be ready to record it. I see "In Vein" as like pete steele fronting godflesh haha there's a lot of interesting things coming up in our music...but it all seems to work pretty well for us.

#47950 by Vesper
Fri Sep 24, 2004 4:02 pm
I see "In Vein" as like pete steele fronting godflesh


I am soooo there *runs to grab that song... :lol:
thumbs up and stay creative ! :D

#47970 by The Devourer
Sat Sep 25, 2004 12:20 am
Vesper wrote:
I see "In Vein" as like pete steele fronting godflesh


I am soooo there *runs to grab that song... :lol:
thumbs up and stay creative ! :D
8) so you like it? I think it's pretty awesome :D

#59258 by The Devourer
Wed Dec 08, 2004 8:14 pm
Alright...we have a new tune up called "Renegade" which is pretty weird. but thats what makes us awesome.

Although I think all of you mostly would be more into "Rebirth and Retribution" which is there too hehe so check it out. criticism is welcome.

#59260 by mo
Wed Dec 08, 2004 9:03 pm
Is that like Neskimos? Now they're fucking amazing!!

They cover lots of NES titles and quite well, imagine tool doing nintendo covers...

#59354 by The Devourer
Thu Dec 09, 2004 3:20 am
neskimos? whoa...never even heard of em really...thanks for the mention of those guys though I wanna check em out.

Hope you like our shit we got man...lots more where that comes from. our demo right is about to be like 10 songs long. mostly filled with pretty strong songs. metalblade once told us that we had strong songs anyways... :D even though they didn't sign us, that comment made my day. haha

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