A place to share your own music and creative projects.
#270756 by MikzorTheFirst
Sun Jun 12, 2011 8:03 am
...and I'm not referring to the pop-singer.
Yeah, hi, umm... I don't really post much of anything around here, opting to just read what my favourite musician has to say and what people, who obviously have fantastic taste in music, have to say about his musings.
However, I just realized how daft it would be not to advertize what I'm working on here, where I can find musically likeminded people in plentitude.



There's that, my personal little project. There's more to come, of course. It's kinda good. If you like it and have something to say, I'd love if you didn't hesitate in doing so. :)
#284834 by Faffy
Thu Oct 20, 2011 10:42 am
I am the last person to give any sort of constructive feedback on music.... but damn... your voice is really good. o___O
Style wise quite similar to Vai-era Dev. Nice.

Assuming you're doing the vocals. :P
#284837 by MikzorTheFirst
Thu Oct 20, 2011 11:39 am
It's hard to type this while these tears of joy are blurring my vision. Being that I'm the same age as he was then, that's the best I could ever hope for! Thank you!
#287313 by BrunoN
Thu Nov 10, 2011 8:39 am
Dexter has some good music in it. Nice idea and execution with the cover! Didn't expect it to be that heavy.
#288076 by MikzorTheFirst
Wed Nov 16, 2011 7:44 am
Aw thanks man! I kinda wanted to make it stand out from the seemingly endless mass of samey keyboard-covers of the song.

The newest song I've uploaded, on the other hand, is very very far from being heavy. As a big fan of cheesy shit, I ended up making this very saccharine dreampop-song that metalheads will find hard to digest. Luckily I'm not the only Dev-head who's into dairy-based goodness, so here's hoping someone will dig it.

Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aV0tKlOHryA&feature=share
#292438 by CutManMetal
Fri Dec 23, 2011 7:08 pm
Okay, double post, but, I'd like to offer some constructive criticism to go along with my pledge of undying love: Might want to be careful not to mix too loud. For instance, "Cold Waters", especially the drums, are so loud that it hurts my ears on headphones ,and they clip pretty bad. Same goes for in general, "Morn".

Although "About An Idiot" doesn't seem to have this problem. The Dexter cover rarely clips, too, maybe just one or two points. (Kudos on covering that, by the way. I LOVE the music from Dexter)
#293100 by MikzorTheFirst
Fri Dec 30, 2011 8:16 pm
Holy shit! Thank you, man!

Criticism is totally tolerated and even welcome. Your words will be considered during the mixing of my next song. :)
#294269 by MikzorTheFirst
Mon Jan 23, 2012 6:10 am
...and this is the next song. Actually, it's a cover of sorts. It's a symphonic metal-rendition of the soundtrack of a scene in Return Of The King in the LOTR-trilogy. Howard Shore's music in these films is one of my major influences in general (along with Devin and a few others), so this was a fun little project. The scene is the one in which the Rohirrim (you know, the viking-dudes) charge into battle. It turned out pretty large-sounding, as was intended. Check it out!

#294837 by twentyjunious
Tue Jan 31, 2012 4:33 am
WOW! Your cover of the Rohirrim song is So Epic. Gave me chills. God I love those movies, I think I'll go watch ROTK now. :D
#294899 by A-Daamage
Tue Jan 31, 2012 9:45 pm
I've never been too big on electronica/pop-styled.... uh... not sure how else to describe the background stuff going on, but I'm a big fan of the vocals on this. It's great to hear you "going for it" on the harsh vocals, if that makes sense. I would've loved to hear a contribution from you on the HevyDevy All Stars project (you didn't, right?).
#295531 by MikzorTheFirst
Sat Feb 11, 2012 12:18 am
Thanks guys! Great to hear! I've worked on my pipes for a few years now so it's nice to know that it's paying off.

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