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#151818 by MindfieldsDave
Thu Jun 07, 2007 8:14 am
The settings on my podXtPro are:
Amp: MS-L6 Big Bottom
Cabinet:4x12 green 25's
Mic: SM-57 on axis
Room: 16

Drive: 5
Bass: 4
Mid: 5

EQ and GATE off!!

I use my G-major for gating and effects (devy reverb and delay)
O and the Pickup in my guitar is a EMG-81 wich help to get the devin sound alot. (and stays very clear when using distortion).

Btw, on my less paul with EMG's i have to turn the mid up to cut trough, so i really depents on your guitar to (what wood is used)

#151899 by andjustinforall
Fri Jun 08, 2007 7:41 am
Ah, a Les Paul. That would explain some of it. One day when I have the money, one day...

#151939 by MindfieldsDave
Fri Jun 08, 2007 4:15 pm
No i didn't use my les paul, i used a LTD-MH1000 with emg's

But when i use my les paul i have to turn the mids up.
So it's really the wood that makes the difference, in this case atleast.

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