Stealth Engine Apex is one man alone with his mind of torrential thoughts. A cyclone of brutal messages enraptured in musical violence.
Let these be his screams, so he may remain silent.
Let these be his wars, so he need not fight them.
Let these be his tears, for he can no longer shed them.
Let these be his the confused chaos of life.
Noone will stand in its way. The Engine has awakened.
A definite S.Y.L influence here, cant say im going to avoid that nor be ashamed of it. Other influences involve Meshuggah/Fear Factory and Tool. You can be extremely critical or not at all. I really dont mind. If you do however check it out, thanks a lot! A extra pair of ears is always -always- appreciated.
Let these be his screams, so he may remain silent.
Let these be his wars, so he need not fight them.
Let these be his tears, for he can no longer shed them.
Let these be his the confused chaos of life.
Noone will stand in its way. The Engine has awakened.
A definite S.Y.L influence here, cant say im going to avoid that nor be ashamed of it. Other influences involve Meshuggah/Fear Factory and Tool. You can be extremely critical or not at all. I really dont mind. If you do however check it out, thanks a lot! A extra pair of ears is always -always- appreciated.
"Nothing is beyond unless you put it there. Traversing existence is state of mind."