A place to share your own music and creative projects.
#59915 by mo
Sun Dec 12, 2004 3:27 pm
OK I'm pluggin my band now.


We put ourselves in the unknown genre because we play everything and anything. Thanks to our small collection of fans, we've hit #1. At one point, we had song, band and "album" at #1.

What does this mean? Sweet fuck all, http://www.mp3.com.au is shit anyway. Even still, you can download some of our shitty demos (which are quite ass sordid indeed). I don't like them because in most cases, its not even the full song. Either way, the essence of our whackiness and stupity is there so all is not lost.

What we're REALLY excited about is that Lord Tim of Dungeon has agreed to record us. For those of you who don't know, Tim Grose from Dungeon is one of the most underrated metal musicians in the world. As a guitarist (lead), singer and composer, Tim has been blessed with the ability to make really good metal music. He can hit higher notes than Bruce Dickinson and plays guitar, dare I say, as good as the best? Or as Tim would like to say, "Its just jiggling my fingers".

So yeah, Lord Tim is going to produce at least one of our songs so far. Its not for an album yet but we're still deciding what we want to do. The song he's going to be recording is 'Hunt, Dog, Murder!!" Although we've got different styles of music, we had to make sure Tim produced a metal track of ours. If we can, we're also going to try and con him into having a guest spot on the song as well.

If you wanna check out our website go to http://www.wayoftheextreme.com you'll notice the dimebag collage that I ripped off pantera.com. I'm sure they don't mind.

#63726 by Yok
Sat Jan 01, 2005 10:29 pm
Hey man I just tool a look at the bands page, hmm, I think it's too colourful, but a band that is loud should look loud (!). I found it amusing and I wouldn't mind seeing this aboination of music, being bothered to is a different story of course. Plus the disclaimer is similar to the one for my bands sight (or webfukk as Korpse calls it).

check it if ya want.


go nuts

#63734 by mo
Sun Jan 02, 2005 12:36 am
Yok wrote:Hey man I just tool a look at the bands page, hmm, I think it's too colourful, but a band that is loud should look loud (!). I found it amusing and I wouldn't mind seeing this aboination of music, being bothered to is a different story of course. Plus the disclaimer is similar to the one for my bands sight (or webfukk as Korpse calls it).

check it if ya want.


go nuts

the bio page is actually just a test page, we're going with trippy and colourful as opposed to bloody and metal with skulls, we're strange...

just had our last jam b4 the gig... sounding sweet and only one argument haha, my stupid little brother

#63735 by mo
Sun Jan 02, 2005 12:38 am
Yok wrote:Hey man I just tool a look at the bands page, hmm, I think it's too colourful, but a band that is loud should look loud (!). I found it amusing and I wouldn't mind seeing this aboination of music, being bothered to is a different story of course. Plus the disclaimer is similar to the one for my bands sight (or webfukk as Korpse calls it).

check it if ya want.


go nuts

looking at site now...

First bit of advice, take it off geocities!!
If you post lyrics or music on their servers, they technically own it!! I say check out if your ISP offers web space, I'm with swiftdsl and they give me 50 meg.

How big is your site? If its not too big I could host it.

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