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#155803 by Very_Metal
Fri Aug 03, 2007 1:19 am
Hi all,
an animation i produced that features a snippet of the banjo from "Triumph" will be screened on BBC 3 on friday 24th August at 24.45 (so TECHNICALLY it`s 00.45 in the 25th ;) )

the full version has Vampolka over the credits, but to avoid paying me for the time it takes them to roll, the beeb have cut them :D

so if you happen to be up at that time and have nothing else to do, check it out. it`s part of the pilot for FAO3 (Fresh Animation on Three) and is called "The Amazing Splendidios"

cheers! :)
#155828 by Biert
Fri Aug 03, 2007 10:07 am
Very_Metal wrote:so if you happen to be up at that time and have nothing else to do, check it out...

...Record it, put it on YouTube and show it to all of us :P
#155849 by Very_Metal
Fri Aug 03, 2007 4:29 pm
Biert wrote:
Very_Metal wrote:so if you happen to be up at that time and have nothing else to do, check it out...

...Record it, put it on YouTube and show it to all of us :P

http://www.secondarymotion.co.uk - you can just watch it on there ;)

hehe, yeah Fragility - media onslaught, had a little update thng in the evening news tonight and they`re going to do a follow up piece once it`s aired apparently. we`ll see :)

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