Now of course you guys don't have to divulge your secrets to me here, but I'm just curious because I think Dev's records always have great knock-you-on-your-ass drums and the pics I find quite interesting.
So is this a standard kind of micing scheme for Dev? Or do you guys approach everything fresh each time?
I was very surprised to see a 421 on the kick instead of a 602 or a shure Beta91. And I see what looks like a Rode Classic II, but there's something else in there behind it that I can't quite make out.
Also on the snare and up high above the high hat are mics placed very close together. Are you guys A-B'ing? Or creating comb filters? And also WTF is that giant honking mic sitting right over the high hat? Also, what's that mic sitting on its lonesome room center for the drums above the kick tunnel?
Well I suppose that's enough of 20 questions. I only wish I could have been there. It made me very happy to see that SSL in the pics. hahaha I love the 4000 series.
So is this a standard kind of micing scheme for Dev? Or do you guys approach everything fresh each time?
I was very surprised to see a 421 on the kick instead of a 602 or a shure Beta91. And I see what looks like a Rode Classic II, but there's something else in there behind it that I can't quite make out.

Also on the snare and up high above the high hat are mics placed very close together. Are you guys A-B'ing? Or creating comb filters? And also WTF is that giant honking mic sitting right over the high hat? Also, what's that mic sitting on its lonesome room center for the drums above the kick tunnel?
Well I suppose that's enough of 20 questions. I only wish I could have been there. It made me very happy to see that SSL in the pics. hahaha I love the 4000 series.