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What do you think about ice hockey ?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 11:47 am
by Bester Orbit
Hey Dev and the bands ! :D

Since you live in Vancouver, so in Canada, I wanted to know what do you think about ice hockey, if you like or not and why because there is the Vancouver Canucks.

Unfortunately, there isn't NHL season this year because of the players wages :( I always wanted to play ice hockey because it's a very crazy and wonderful sport, but in France it is very expensive and not very known :x I am satisfied buy the NHL computer games :wink:

Thanks ^^

PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 6:50 pm
by beavis christ
Hockey is by far my favorite sport, and yes the Canucks would be my favorite team as well. I am pretty dissapointed there is no season this year, but thank god EA sports makes a very realistic version, so when I am jonesing for hockey it has to be on the playstation. It is just so much fun to destroy Ryan at hockey and hear him come up with excuses for losing. :lol:

Actually now that I think about it I may have to set up a game with him to see if he improved any, but I doubt he has. HAHAHAHA!

Re: What do you think about ice hockey ?

PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 7:02 pm
by mo
Bester Orbit wrote:Hey Dev and the bands ! :D

Since you live in Vancouver, so in Canada, I wanted to know what do you think about ice hockey, if you like or not and why because there is the Vancouver Canucks.

Unfortunately, there isn't NHL season this year because of the players wages :( I always wanted to play ice hockey because it's a very crazy and wonderful sport, but in France it is very expensive and not very known :x I am satisfied buy the NHL computer games :wink:

Thanks ^^

I'm with you, you can play ice hockey here in australia but its very expensive. I also love ice hockey video games, NHL Hitz being the clear favourite.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 09, 2005 11:55 pm
by Devinaddicted_Nils
I love the NHL 2004 from EA-Sports...didn't purchase 2005, yet as I heard that 2004 should be the best one...any experiences with 2005, Beav?

And btw...does your version of 2004 also include the DEL or is it just the German version?

PostPosted: Mon Jan 10, 2005 7:42 am
by beavis christ
Yeah Nils I got 2005 when it came out. It is more like playing the real way, harder to score in the new one to. If you are into having just a fun game with lots of scoring you might want to stick with 2004. But I am already sucked in by the new one.

And does mine include DEL? I dont know because I dont know what that is?

Damn I miss the NHL.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 12:18 am
by Devinaddicted_Nils
lol...DEL is the German League. It's on my version along with the Finns and Sweds. But I guess that's just the European version of it.

Oh btw...I find it pretty hard to score in the 2004-version...should try harder to work out a concept :)

PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 7:44 pm
by beavis christ
I probably should have figured that one out.

I dont know if it is the same but on these versions they do have all the international teams with the larger ice. That is a pretty cool option but I always end up using Canada. Go figure.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 11, 2005 8:35 pm
by Drumdude13
beavis christ wrote: It is just so much fun to destroy Ryan at hockey and hear him come up with excuses for losing. :lol:

Actually now that I think about it I may have to set up a game with him to see if he improved any, but I doubt he has. HAHAHAHA!

Bring it on Beavis....we're due for an EA Sports Hockey Tournament ! You use to kick my ass, once in a while :shock: .....but no more ! Bring your little side bitch that you live with too....everyone beats that fucker !!! :lol:
Game on Beav !!!!!

On Hockey itself.......... It's my favourite sport by far. The best game on planet Earth IMO. The Vancouver Canucks rule !!!! Too bad the league and the players can't figure shit out. It really sucks not having a Hockey season right now......oh well. Hockey still RULES !

PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 8:29 am
by Bester Orbit
And now, since you seem to like ice hockey, what is your favorite(s) player(s) and team(s) ? :D

I didn't buy the last games, so I don't know all the transfers, but before, I "loved" Toronto Maple Leaf, Colorado Avalanche and San Jose Sharks. Paul Kariya and Timmu Selanne of Mighty Ducks of Anaheim were my favourite players, because they were the best offensive line ! :D

PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 10:37 am
by 7lights
Maple Leafs? MAPLE LEAFS!!!! awww man, this thread has gone down hill......

And Ryan if you losers are setting up a NHL 2005 championship, allow me to come down and beat your red headed step-child asses!!! Even though I don't play often, I'll still take the cup!!!

PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 11:17 am
by Falk
Héhé, we in France don't have any idea 'bout what's going on in NHL.

When I played NHL a lot I was aware of the teams, best players and everything, now I don't have any mark, and TV won't bring it to me (foot, rugby, foot, rugby... :|)

What's wrong with the maple leafs ? Some sort of eternal war between two cities ? :þ

In NHL 97 Sundin was a good player, and their jersey are nice in white and blue :p
(97 was crap BTW, you couldn't score exept by fainting the goal in close combat, the later were better)

The red wings were quite good in the game too...
In fact I think we chose our teams based on their jerseys^^.

Oh yeah I almost forgot !
The "put your face in the game" option !
Now THAT was great. Sure I had a poor face in the game, worse than the real :p but being a better player than Gretzky was fun (and that's how you realize how good he was, damn, he played as well as video game player *o*)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 12, 2005 11:11 pm
by Devinaddicted_Nils
Cologne Sharks...German league of course. I like em.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 7:00 am
by cenotaphia
There won't be a season this year. This sucks. It's interesting how the media is telling us that Canadian hockey fans are dealing with hockey withdrawal while (apparently) most Americans don't give a hoot.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 7:05 am
by Devinaddicted_Nils
I'm not that much into Hockey. But I heard that some players feel so bored that they came over to Germany to play for a very small sum of money. Just for the fun of it. That's kinda cool.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 11, 2005 2:57 pm
by Bester Orbit
Yes, for exemple Rick Nash is in HC Davos, a swiss team with Joe Thornthon :wink:

Rick Nash is the 3rd goals scorer of the last season with 41 goals ! 8)

And there is Martin St. Louis in a swiss team too, best scorer with 94 points ! :shock: