#59264 by mo
Wed Dec 08, 2004 9:20 pm
Yeah I probably could've pmed you but I am fan of your work so its fitting that I post this here.

How does the ranking system work??

#60197 by mo
Mon Dec 13, 2004 4:07 pm

ahh i BUMPed my head

#60486 by Ninja Butterfly
Tue Dec 14, 2004 7:57 pm
My name is not Geoff but ... its based on the number of posts and automatically changes when you hit certain levels of posting. Keep on posting ... you need another couple of hundred to hit the next one :lol:

#60489 by mo
Tue Dec 14, 2004 8:05 pm
Ninja Butterfly wrote:My name is not Geoff but ... its based on the number of posts and automatically changes when you hit certain levels of posting. Keep on posting ... you need another couple of hundred to hit the next one :lol:

Maybe you guys could add a page about the rankings breakdown.

So who is it that does the forum?? I myself use phpBB and there's so much that you guys do that I'd like to add to mine.

#60561 by Guest
Wed Dec 15, 2004 2:49 am
Mo Ninja Butterfly is right , keep on posting and you will reach the ultimate level. That's not reall y a secret but it's funny to see what ranks are to come ...

About the board and PHPBB I added something like 25 / 30 modules that are not included in the initial package. However if you don't want to lose your time with coding, database table modifications there are pre-hacked phpbb versions with tons of mods installed.

Why I don't use this version here ? Good question . I think it's a bit too complex and as we already have more than 2000 users registered we also have to think about the bandwidth use. Also I don't want the mods here to lose their time with a too complex administration

The more you add module the more you use bandwidth (especially with "arcade games" "album" "chatroom" and "Music online" modules)

To add modules to the standard phpbb package, go on

To finish, one of the problem with new modules are phpbb updates. Some files you modified for your modules will have to be modified again when you upload a phpbb update ...


#60688 by Bloody_Rust
Wed Dec 15, 2004 10:01 am
It's pretty cool that we have ranking system here. I haven't seen ranking systems on many other sites (if any). They usually just have stars, and once you get past a certain amount of posts you get a star added or something.

I think my ranking at the moment is quite cool :D

#60697 by kettle
Wed Dec 15, 2004 10:42 am
Isn't the main reason there are more than 2000 registered users down to the fact people can't even read this site without registering first?

Is that down to the adult language used in content?

Also, if people could read without registering there would be a lot less information for the user database to churn over.

I estimate that half of those people will have never either posted or returned for another visit. Is that a realistic estimate?

peak usage 39 users online?

How many active users in a month?

excuse me for speaking out of turn, it's not a comment on Devin Townsend popularity.

#60709 by Guest
Wed Dec 15, 2004 11:29 am
kettle wrote:Isn't the main reason there are more than 2000 registered users down to the fact people can't even read this site without registering first?


Is that down to the adult language used in content?

Probably not

Also, if people could read without registering there would be a lot less information for the user database to churn over.


I estimate that half of those people will have never either posted or returned for another visit. Is that a realistic estimate?

Probably not

peak usage 39 users online?


How many active users in a month?

I don't give a damn

excuse me for speaking out of turn, it's not a comment on Devin Townsend popularity.

Everything you said is right. Thank you, go to bed now. Also I love sarcasm but you bore me to death, same thing for your little game in the shoutbox

#60723 by kettle
Wed Dec 15, 2004 12:18 pm
I'm sorry that you took that badly. They were written as sensible points, no sarcasm intended.

As far as your response to the shout box, anyone can post what they like except if they don't happen to belong to the "correct" clique. (A small exclusive group of friends or associates)

Sorry again, sorry to have been so out of line.
again no sarcasm.

#60724 by Guest
Wed Dec 15, 2004 12:32 pm
There's nothing wrong to use sarcasm here, it is welcome
I answered seriously. You are probably right at 99 % and yes you bore me to death sensible points or not,

now move on with the next 1.2.4 and I will applause and laugh until suffocation

Thank you and sorry if this board administration doesn't fit your sensible points ... It won't change


#60727 by bloodredcurls
Wed Dec 15, 2004 12:37 pm
I didn't even know there was a ranking system.
Geezz, I've got to stop being a tyrant elsewhere and get w/the program :lol: .

And there's a club? How come nobody told me? :?

#60730 by Guest
Wed Dec 15, 2004 12:43 pm
Yes of course, "an elite" of virtual dictators !!!

Yes my dear, there are ranks but for users only ... Admin have special ranks ... Hey don't forget they belong to da clique :wink:

#60733 by A Gruesome Discovery
Wed Dec 15, 2004 12:47 pm
When you reach 10,000 posts, you get to ride Yoshi :yoshi:
welcome to warp zone

#60737 by Guest
Wed Dec 15, 2004 1:06 pm

#60743 by bloodredcurls
Wed Dec 15, 2004 1:23 pm
Does that mean when I reach 10,000 posts I get to ride (* see other posts)? :lol:

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