Post HevyDevy fan art, covers, mashups, guitar tabs, etc here
#281651 by Drowd
Fri Sep 23, 2011 10:29 am
Just discovered this wonderful thread of awesomness.
I just watched every single stinkin' pic there and probably saved more than half of 'em on my computer.
Keep 'em comin' !

And that Megadeth one just SCREAMS for a title change (MegaDev?)
#281656 by Bookwyrm83
Fri Sep 23, 2011 10:37 am
Drowd wrote:And that Megadeth one just SCREAMS for a title change (MegaDev?)

Believe me, I tried. All attempts failed dismally, and rather than post it with a shitty attempt at changing letters, I thought I'd post it as the album but with alternate (better) art. If anyone else with better skills wants to alter the logo, be my guest.
Plus, someone else posted a Death album with Dev's face as the only change, so. :P
#281925 by Tall-Latte
Sun Sep 25, 2011 9:48 am
and as a devin fan, in the crowd of bloodstock 2011.. these pictures gave me the biggest laughs and memories of the festival... and ive found the people who made them.. i am truly humbled... I WANT A COPY OF PHOTOSHOP ON THIS LAPTOP! :(
#281929 by Faffy
Sun Sep 25, 2011 10:02 am
And now you know the truth. They were made by procrastinating, lonely, goofy Dev fans on a forum :P
It's so sad and hilarious at the same time. :D

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