Post HevyDevy fan art, covers, mashups, guitar tabs, etc here
#280094 by sylkicks
Tue Sep 06, 2011 9:08 am
Haha I see Faffy got you back over here :P When I have some time I'm gonna try my hand at some more shopping, it's so fun!

But anyway, feel better sir, did Tracy go Kathy Bates in MIsery on you? Hobbling is all fun and games until, you know, your ankle gets broke.
#280097 by ppinkham
Tue Sep 06, 2011 9:52 am
The Dev wrote:Currently sitting in the the North Van hospital waiting room, think I may have done more than just twisted my ankle...not a big deal, but need to get it sorted before tour

Dude, not everyone is capable of doing the flying splits off of the drum riser. Know your limits.
#280101 by Lettuce
Tue Sep 06, 2011 12:56 pm
Faffy wrote:....Did someone try to chop your feet off perhaps?
It happens...
Another foot has washed up in British Columbia -- the 11th found along the coastline in the last four years.

Oh right... on behalf of all my shoop-mates: THANKS!! :D


But yeah, forgot that...thank yoooooooou C:
#280120 by swervedriver
Tue Sep 06, 2011 2:36 pm
A new boundary was crossed a bit earlier, so I'm forced to step in here. If you want to shoop pictures of other forumers, go right ahead but here's the catch: do consult your victims if they are alright with it before putting your work online. If they are not okay with it, we will remove any links to them.

Sorry to have to spoil this party momentarily, keep the awesomeness coming! :)
#280174 by IX10N
Wed Sep 07, 2011 4:58 am
That Britney Spears one is amazingly brilliant...
Here's a photo of Devin that I photoshopped on to the head of the singer in a band called 'Kunvuk'... oh... no... wait.... I didn't do any photoshopping at all.

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