Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct
#226676 by chiller
Fri Nov 27, 2009 11:06 am
I saw the twitter question about the shot and I want to give my say on the issue. I don't have a twitter account and I'm generally against social networking sites. Sorry about that.

Anyway I would personally say no to the shot. Flat out it isn't going to work. Viruses like the flu mutate so fast that the strain you're likely to get isn't covered by the shot.

The shot itself is nasty. You have a better chance of dying from it than the flu. At least look it up for yourself to see what the real facts are.

Doctors and vaccine makers refuse to to take the shot.

The paper REPLACE that comes with the shot says it isn't safe for children. Yet they still recommend it for children. :shock:

Don't take the word from what one internet crazy, me :alien: , has to say. Look it up for yourself and find out what's inside the shot.

It's a tough decision but beware of the risks.

Just a fan that cares.
#226684 by The Dev
Fri Nov 27, 2009 1:26 pm
You know, I've thought about it for months now, I've had people tell me about conspiracies of mass genocide etc...terrifying stuff flooding my inbox, tinfoil hats delivered to the studio etc.

My view is this:

Conspiracy addiction is among the most disturbing. If you are in the right frame of mind, you can follow conspiracy theories down the rabbit hole until everything is vaguely connected to 'The Illuminati' or a NWO or whatever...There's people that think I'm one of the blind masses etc for my lack of interest in it all. Aliens, whatever. I don't care.

Why would aliens travel billions of light years to communicate with a creature who 99% of his problems can be solved by getting laid once a week? (I trivialize, but I just don't care...hey aliens, whatever you need, I'm here...don't scare the fuck out of me though, I'm better use to you without being a blubbering mess with shit in my drawers.)

Here's my view: I think obsessive concern about conspiracies is a predisposition to fear in the first place. As terrifying as conspiracies can be, it almost makes it into a religion...a need to believe that there are people or beings in total control, because the alternative is a bunch of apes on a rock spinning out of control in the middle of nowhere with no one at the wheel. It's almost like people who are so hung up on conspiracies NEED to believe, because the alternative is a harrowing void.

I don't know, I'm an ape. And I have a kid, and I am touring soon, and I truly believe the true nature of humanity is 'good'. (crazy right? ...I know)

So me and my family got the shot. If it turns out to be a cash grab, or a global genocide, at least we'll all die together, and to be honest...if the true nature of humans is to kill millions of people under the guise of compassionate people who care, then I'm fine to expire in the hoax. A post apocalyptic, mad-max-esque scenario holds no interest to me.

I have faith, I'm sure there's tons of people here that don't agree, but getting this shot is almost my way of saying 'I'm not with you' to the conspiracy theorists. What is the point of certain elite humans in total control of the planet? Why should that bother me? My brother in law is in terror that someone taps his skype account, but really...why should he care? Whats he hiding? Who has the time to listen to my skype accounts? My emails are full of grocery lists and bad interviews.

Sorry, I don't get the obsession. I guess I'm a blind sheep.

See you on tour!

#226688 by Amakir
Fri Nov 27, 2009 1:56 pm
Actully my broders have taken this and they only got some minor pain in thier arm for ONE DAY! Nothing dangerus here folks its just as any other vaccine. Oh you can fell ill after taking it and thats about it.
#226691 by The Oid
Fri Nov 27, 2009 2:20 pm
To be honest, all this anti-vaccine nonsense has no basis in science, and it's really no different from creationism, global warming denial, or 9/11 truthers, and its proponents use exactly the same kind of techniques as those groups. Arguments based on misinformation, misrepresentation of valid evidence, quote mining, and often outright dishonesty.

If you want an example, the study that started the hysteria about the three in one measles vaccine and autism was later found to be based on false data. Several studies have since been done on the subject, and not one has found a causal relationship between vacciines and autism. Unfortunately, once people have been taught to link these two things my the media, no amount of evidence will convince them that there's no link.

The thing that irritates me most, is how all these anti-knowledge movements seem to be gaining so much traction. These type of people seem determined to drag us all back into the dark ages.

There's nothing wrong with objectively questioning the information you are fed. The problem is when you're not really objectively questioning, and just accepting the views of whomever shouts the loudest, because you don't have an effective "bullshit filter" for the information that's being fed to you.
Last edited by The Oid on Fri Nov 27, 2009 2:39 pm, edited 4 times in total.
#226693 by Keeker
Fri Nov 27, 2009 2:22 pm
My son got it last Saturday. No ill effects whatsoever. He has asthma so his risk of death from getting any kind of severe flu is far greater than a tiny risk of a potential side-effect from a flu jag. For us it was an easy choice when the letter came in to attend the health clinic.
#226694 by MLee89
Fri Nov 27, 2009 2:24 pm
Great post, Devin, you sound like you've read a Sagan book or two. He's said some similar things. People believe weird things because they want to feel connected to the universe - or else, the terror of the empty void comes crawling.
#226697 by The Oid
Fri Nov 27, 2009 2:49 pm
Sorry guys, have to go, there's an NHS death-squad at the end of my road randomly executing people with death panels.

I've got to run before they get me!

Good thing I'm young and can still outrun them. Sucks to be you Granny!

P.S. Someone needs to make an extreme metal song called "Death panel"
#226700 by mEh!
Fri Nov 27, 2009 4:03 pm
People believe in things simply because they get superexited about things, and humanity is generally really damn stupid. People some times want to read about disasters in the newsletters.. It depends on what kind of reality people live/lived in. And the way of their thinking about life is based on that reality of they live in.
Some people are really different.

Otherwise I didn't take the shot.. But I had a greeeeat week running around in school clapping folks on their arms who did take the shot. :lol: *clap* AAAAAAAAH F*CK!
Good times. i've had a really great week, many cool things hapend :)
#226702 by HauntingTheHoly
Fri Nov 27, 2009 4:45 pm
I love how conspiracy theorists are always like "But don't take MY word, "look it up" for yourself!" Then they post a youtube video. LOL. Well, I'm glad you "looked it up"

The first question that needs to be asked is "Can I become a highly qualified medical professional by spending a couple of hours watching videos on the internet?" Well if you can then we can do away with the four year, 60+ hour/week medical programs at places like John Hopkins, Duke, UF, etc. Why go to the University?

Secondly, if someone thinks they have real scientific evidence for the conspiracy, there IS a way to proceed forward with it. You're not actually dependent on making youtube videos and idiotic posts on a musicians personal web forum. What you should do is publish your evidence as a report in any number of peer-reviewed medical journals all over the country and world. Many of the good ones are even at no cost to you. What are you waiting for?
#226703 by The Oid
Fri Nov 27, 2009 5:02 pm
FW: FW: FW: FW: FW: FW: What the apple lobby doesn't want you to know

Did you know that apples contain sodium? Sodium is a METAL, not only that, but when combined with water it reacts violently, and can cause terrible burns!

They also contain CHLORINE!! That's right! The same stuff used to make the bleach you put in your toilet, and the same stuff that was used to gas allied troops in World War I. Don't take my word for it! Look it up!

100% of children with autism were found to have both chlorine and sodium in their bodies.

Don't listen to the Big Apple lobby, make up your own mind! ... re=related

#226704 by reson
Fri Nov 27, 2009 5:13 pm
Say what you want, Saganism is a religion too. I won't be getting the shot, I know they're after my precious bodily fluids...
#226705 by chiller
Fri Nov 27, 2009 5:22 pm
Whoops. I didn't mean to scare the shit out of you. I just saw the twitter question and wanted to throw in my two cents.

I've seen the conspiracy stuff about the shot but I'm more concerned about the health issues. Like I said earlier flu viruses mutate/evolve so fast that the shots rarely work.

Again I didn't want to freak you out especially if you already took it and turned out fine. It's a small risk but a risk I will avoid. Just my 2 cents.
#226711 by Octillus
Fri Nov 27, 2009 5:39 pm
Dev, you're definitely in the business of someone who should be getting the shot so I think that was a good call.

However, what I don't like is the concept of compulsory vaccinations, especially since flu shots are never really entirely effective. That's what they're trying to do in the US, and it was such a quickly thrown together flu shot I'd really rather not deal.

Had the damn pork flu already anyway.

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