Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct
#162514 by Kivenkantaja
Sun Dec 09, 2007 2:57 am
Couldn't come up with a better topic but also couldn't watch as this forum dies.

Ok I'll start:
We don't use 1cnt and 2cnt coins here in Finland. My genius masterplan was to buy candy in 7cnt bags and pay for them separately. A massive 2cnt benefit for one bag = 40% discount :lol: I'm an idiot and back then I were a 12 year old idiot. :D Forgive me.

#162517 by Torniojaws
Sun Dec 09, 2007 5:52 am
Around here they would round the price to 10 cents :lol: So you would actually lose 3 cents per pouch = 43 % increase in cost :bocul:

#162518 by Blazingmonga
Sun Dec 09, 2007 6:16 am
Well, here in the good old U of K, they don't round your change up or down, so you end up with a pocket full of 1p and 2p pieces. At the end of the week I put them all in a big jar and every 6 months or so I empty that jar into the legs of my speaker stands. Extra weight = extra stability = better sound. I have about £50 in my speaker stands!


As far as saving money, when I was in 1st year at University I ate nothing but Monster Munch crisps for a week once. Wasn't very good.

#162520 by Nathan_lol
Sun Dec 09, 2007 10:01 am
I didn't wipe my ass for a month and saved 4 dollars. yesssssssss

#162531 by Joch
Sun Dec 09, 2007 1:17 pm
I live in Sweden, it's december but I won't turn on the heat.

#162540 by djskrimp
Sun Dec 09, 2007 4:04 pm
Not weirdest, just dumbest:

Sold my Ibanez RG450DX, the Paul Gilbert Ibanez and my Yamaha Pacifica. Never sell your guitars!

#162544 by Yanko
Sun Dec 09, 2007 6:47 pm
Joch wrote:I live in Sweden, it's december but I won't turn on the heat.

i live in Brazil, it´s december, and i don´t even CONSIDER turning on the air conditioning.

#162545 by filthmammoth
Sun Dec 09, 2007 6:48 pm
My biggest failure in trying to save money:

In Australia (and I'm sure other places) when you make your purchases from the major supermarket chains they give you a 4 cent per litre discount voucher. Now my girlfriend and I both drive 4 cylinder cars wirh 50L tanks, so the most we can hope to save is about $2.

So, this one day I'm driving home and see that petrol is about $1.22 per litre, a good price in my area, so I think to myself, "I'll go home and get a fuel voucher to save myself a couple of extra dollars because the tank is nearly empty." So I go in, grab the voucher and talk to my girlfriend for about 5 minutes and explain I have to go and get petrol.

Bear in mind by this point the tank is nearly empty... So I drive down there and they have jacked the price up to $1.36. It was shitty.

So thats my poor attempt at saving $2.

The best thing I did to save money was quit smoking.

#162550 by kyl88
Sun Dec 09, 2007 7:49 pm
djskrimp wrote:Not weirdest, just dumbest:

Sold my Ibanez RG450DX, the Paul Gilbert Ibanez and my Yamaha Pacifica. Never sell your guitars!

OUCH! :( You must have been at rock bottom, huh?

#162556 by djskrimp
Sun Dec 09, 2007 11:05 pm
kyl88 wrote:
djskrimp wrote:Not weirdest, just dumbest:

Sold my Ibanez RG450DX, the Paul Gilbert Ibanez and my Yamaha Pacifica. Never sell your guitars!

OUCH! :( You must have been at rock bottom, huh?

My absolute nadir. I have yet to find a guitar that handled the Dev tune so beautifully. (The Paul Gilber guitar, that is.)

I r an idiot.

#162573 by myra
Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:23 am
I quit smoking to save money. It didn't really work out to well considering I spent the money on other things. :-)

#162602 by sarai-chan
Tue Dec 11, 2007 12:36 am
myra wrote:I quit smoking to save money. It didn't really work out to well considering I spent the money on other things. :-)

I was just coming to this, me and my partner are "savers", we quit buying
something, but to replace that, we buy something else :lol:

Now I need to save for my new tattoo, which will cost a LOT, and I have 70 euros already saved.
My idiot safe plan to have a bank account for saving money has been sorta working,
but it's christmas time and I decided that all this colourful hair thing is over,
and I need to make myself black.
So, I'm back to zero...

And when I shop, I use my S-Etukortti or my Plussakortti to save.
Otherwise I just buy stuff, I'm filthy rich.
But not when it comes to huge tattoos :lol:

#162607 by ringo_shells
Tue Dec 11, 2007 1:39 am
home brand instant noodles.


$1 or so for 5 packs. booyah.

also, living on rice, and baked beans is a good way too.

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