Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct
#161321 by Nathan_lol
Wed Nov 14, 2007 4:24 pm
At my school I tend to act gay and frisky. One kid, who I will call "Faggot," has a problem with this, so he's an asshole to me. One day, I got sick of Faggot's bullshit. While still staying happy, I tackled his ass and laughed hysterically. He was too chickenshit to talk about it with me, but apparently he told his father AND THIS CUNT TOLD EVERYONE OF MY TEACHERS AND THE FUCKING PRINCIPAL, BU NOT MY MOTHER, AND TODAY THE BASTARD CAME AND TALKED TO ME. Faggot's father is an egotistic son of a bitch, so he chose to talk to me because I'm just a kid and he has authority over me. HE NEVER TOLD MY MOTHER THAT ASSHOLE. Holy shit I'm angry! You could take SYL's angriest song and multiply that by fucking 50 and I'd still be madder. I hope Faggot and his family die in a terrible fire CAUSED BY ME.

#161322 by JayjayAbnormal
Wed Nov 14, 2007 4:50 pm

Edit: Also, I think you have problems. If something like that pisses you off, just wait until your older. If I were one of your friends I would probably be scared of you.

#161323 by sj_2150
Wed Nov 14, 2007 5:38 pm
this is stupider than that thread where you thought you looked like dev

#161327 by djskrimp
Wed Nov 14, 2007 6:25 pm
The ages of 12 to 16 are very confused and troubling times.

Best to talk to an actual human being about how you feel, for that instant feedback you need.

#161328 by The Dev
Wed Nov 14, 2007 6:28 pm

Life is full of things that make you angry...please be careful...syl is about stress relief and not anger...wishing ill on someone only makes things worse.

Try talking rationally to the guy, and remember, life is usually shitty because people don't spend the time trying to be rational.

Please be careful. Things are often different than they seem.


#161331 by TallNerdGuy
Wed Nov 14, 2007 6:42 pm
Wise words from The Dev...indeed.

Gotta love those "golden" years!

#161333 by Nathan_lol
Wed Nov 14, 2007 6:45 pm
The Dev wrote:Dude,

Life is full of things that make you angry...please be careful...syl is about stress relief and not anger...wishing ill on someone only makes things worse.

Try talking rationally to the guy, and remember, life is usually shitty because people don't spend the time trying to be rational.

Please be careful. Things are often different than they seem.

Thank you.

#161335 by black_tooth_grin
Wed Nov 14, 2007 6:50 pm
The Dev wrote:Dude,

Life is full of things that make you angry...please be careful...syl is about stress relief and not anger...wishing ill on someone only makes things worse.

Try talking rationally to the guy, and remember, life is usually shitty because people don't spend the time trying to be rational.

Please be careful. Things are often different than they seem.

Thats what I was going to say. :P

Buy yeah Devs right, we all go through some hardships from time to time and being young doesn't help, and wishing bad things on people isn't the solution. Its all apart of growing up mate, no need to get angry over spilt milk, just talk to him and if that doesn't work, ignore the dickhead.


No need to kill people over stupid shit, we have that enough on a world scale each and every day.

#161342 by KantQontrolMyself
Wed Nov 14, 2007 8:30 pm
Yep, leave it to good ol' Dev to make sense out of people like this. Great advice, dude.

#161346 by sj_2150
Wed Nov 14, 2007 10:24 pm
lol... puberty...

#161351 by djskrimp
Wed Nov 14, 2007 11:25 pm
sj_2150 wrote:lol... puberty...

Looking forward to it, huh?

Just kidding, sj.... :D

#161353 by black_tooth_grin
Wed Nov 14, 2007 11:33 pm
djskrimp wrote:
sj_2150 wrote:lol... puberty...

Looking forward to it, huh?

Just kidding, sj.... :D


I hated puberty. Worst time for anyone, so confusing and just shit being yourself. Luckily I was alittle more mature at the time then my fellow class mates, all they cared about was sex....all I cared about was metal. :lol:

#161359 by Luna_ad_Noctum
Thu Nov 15, 2007 12:58 am
Im A Strapping Young Lad wrote:
djskrimp wrote:
sj_2150 wrote:lol... puberty...

Looking forward to it, huh?

Just kidding, sj.... :D


I hated puberty. Worst time for anyone, so confusing and just shit being yourself. Luckily I was alittle more mature at the time then my fellow class mates, all they cared about was sex....all I cared about was metal. :lol:

I cared about both so much that I tried to combine my interests... I'm not going to go into detail, but lets just say they make the holes in CDs small for a reason.

#161360 by NFF
Thu Nov 15, 2007 1:28 am
omg sorry but i have to coment on that..... a person i know (wouldent call him my friend) but he tryed the same thing with a pushpop.... except he seceeded and got it stuck XD

sorry off topic

theres been way to much violence and shit going on around school first some emo kid comes in with a gun and starts going postal.
jeez people listen to a bit of syl scream untill you colapse on your bed exhausted then fall a sleep youll feell a lot better in the morning.
and you wont have to go torch someones house (wich is a stupid idea) the fire could spread and damage someone elses property or god forbid hurt someone else that has nothing to do with this.

sorry rant over :?

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