Excerpt from 'Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine' The Julien Press 1896.
"During the fray (May 12th, between part of Grant's army and a Confederate detachment), a soldier staggered and fell to earth; at the same time a piercing cry was heard in the house nearby. Examination of the wounded soldier showed that a bullet had passed through the scrotum and carried away the left testicle. The same bullet had apparently penetrated the left side of the abdomen of a young lady midway between the umbilicus and the anterior spinous process of the ileum, and become lost in the abdomen. This daughter suffered an attack of peritonitis, but recovered...
Two hundred and seventy-eight days after the reception of the minie ball, she was delivered of a fine boy, weighing eight pounds, to the surprise of herself and the mortification of her parents and friends. The doctor concluded that the same ball that had carried away the testicle of the soldier had penetrated the ovary of the young lady, and, with some spermatozoa upon it, had impregnated her. With this conviction he approached the young man and told him the circumstances. The soldier appeared sceptical at first, but consented to visit the young mother; a friendship ensued which soon ripened into a happy marriage."
Puts a slightly different slant on the expression, 'to shoot your load' does it not?
"During the fray (May 12th, between part of Grant's army and a Confederate detachment), a soldier staggered and fell to earth; at the same time a piercing cry was heard in the house nearby. Examination of the wounded soldier showed that a bullet had passed through the scrotum and carried away the left testicle. The same bullet had apparently penetrated the left side of the abdomen of a young lady midway between the umbilicus and the anterior spinous process of the ileum, and become lost in the abdomen. This daughter suffered an attack of peritonitis, but recovered...
Two hundred and seventy-eight days after the reception of the minie ball, she was delivered of a fine boy, weighing eight pounds, to the surprise of herself and the mortification of her parents and friends. The doctor concluded that the same ball that had carried away the testicle of the soldier had penetrated the ovary of the young lady, and, with some spermatozoa upon it, had impregnated her. With this conviction he approached the young man and told him the circumstances. The soldier appeared sceptical at first, but consented to visit the young mother; a friendship ensued which soon ripened into a happy marriage."
Puts a slightly different slant on the expression, 'to shoot your load' does it not?