Michael Angelo's 4 neck guitar is called the Quad guitar and was stolen from him at a concert. Some kid got old of the top 2 necks and returned them to him. Awwww.
His abilities are acrobatic, he's an entertainer. As far as his music goes, he is not that bad, I think he just needs a decent band. I have his Planet Gemini record, he uses his speed to some taste and he is the most clean guitar player you will ever hear. He also has theoretical knowledge of music and uses it better than any Cooley or Fareri or other declared shredders. I don't understand how sloppy Joe Stump holds the shred chair at Berkeley School of Music with guys like Angelo around. Plus, you would never believe who took lessons from Angelo: Tom Morello of Rage Against the Machine!
Again, Vai and Angelo are worlds apart, but they share one thing: total dedication to their instrument. They went in different directions regarding their musical expression, but preferring one to the other is a matter of taste, not recognising the better of the two. I take Vai over Angelo any time of the day, but nonetheless I have nothing but respect for Angelo, he is the master of what he does.
For some guitar trickery, check this vid out, it's called Guitars SUCK and is a conglomeration of some crazy guitar playing:
http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 2&q=guitar