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McDonald's Monopoly Cess-pool of DOOOOMMM!!

PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 8:59 pm
by KantQontrolMyself
In government class, I was taught to take advantage of any time that any company is giving away money. That's why I need help out the cause, and SCREW MCDONALD'S IN THE ASS! How you ask...?

The Monopoly game of course...! They make it so hard so get all the pieces, that you practically have to travel the U.S in order to win. That's why I devised the plan that anyone interested and an avid fan of Mickey D's goes and gets large chicken sandwich/strip combos and gets as many pieces as they can! We pool our properties together, and increase chances to get a cash prize! And of course, being as fair and awesome as myself, I'll split the earnings! If it's the shitty purple properties, I'll just let you guys have it. I can make that kind of money working one day...

So, if anybody's up for it, just send me a message or e-mail and tell me what properties you get each time, or have already, and we'll beat McDonald's and make them give us our money...!

Properties so far:
Blue ($1,000,000): Park Place
Green ($50,000): North Carolina, Pacific
Yellow ($10,000): Atlantic
Red ($5,000): None
Orange ($1,500): St. James
Pink ($1,000): St. Charles
Light Blue ($500): Oriental
Purple ($50, aka crap): None
Railroads ($5,000,000 GODDAMN DOLLARS!!): Pennsylvania

Act now, or be a buttmunch!

PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 10:10 pm
by Hughie
An alternative here is called dumpster diving:D When they were doing best buy bucks last year, a nights worth of dumpster diving behind a mackers got me enough best buy bucks to buy a couple new video games:)

PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 3:39 am
by the_scoon
GENIUS! Too bad i live in Australia :cry:

PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 4:50 pm
by KantQontrolMyself
Hughie wrote:An alternative here is called dumpster diving:D When they were doing best buy bucks last year, a nights worth of dumpster diving behind a mackers got me enough best buy bucks to buy a couple new video games:)

Well if anybody's doing that, be my freakin' guest! Hell, I encourage it...!

PostPosted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:19 am
by black_tooth_grin
the_scoon wrote:GENIUS! Too bad i live in Australia :cry:
hehe!! I second that. Master plan, but to far away. :P

PostPosted: Fri Oct 13, 2006 10:59 pm
by KantQontrolMyself
So unfortunate. I got practically two of each property too, so if someone were to finish it off, we'd only divide the cash 50/50...!