A brief note from the wilderness
Posted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 10:07 pm
Yeah I've been stuck in doing-too-much-uni-and-no-internet-at-home Land and I've been writing recording and rehearsing with my new bannd (more on that soon) so that's why I've been absent for the past two months or so... So I just thought I'd stop by for a moment and express a few things:
The new Muse album is insane. I can't believe how good it is, and I can't believe how fucking brave Matt is to write, sing and print those lyrics. I am so proud of him and I can't wait to see them in January next year. Everyone should check "Assassin", that is some monstrous metal shit and what a lyric sheet! "The time has come to shoot your leaders down!"
Splendour in the Grass soon. That means Mos Def, Brian Wilson, TV on the Radio, DJ Shadow, Mogwai... Happy times, although very out of pocket times.
Coldplay owned live. They fuckin caned it, they sounded immense and put on a fucking amazing show. Bag them all you want, they are one of the greatest acts I've ever seen and I think they deserve all of their success. I even like their old shit better now that I've seen them.
Looking forward to the Thom Yorke album, I'll have a listen tomorrow I think. I'm in no great hurry to hear the new SYL, I'm trying not to build up any expectations so I don't get dissapointed. I'm happy to hear he's disbanding them though, I'd rather he has some emotional stability and a happy family life than making more fuckin cock-metal albums.
OK I'm off.
The new Muse album is insane. I can't believe how good it is, and I can't believe how fucking brave Matt is to write, sing and print those lyrics. I am so proud of him and I can't wait to see them in January next year. Everyone should check "Assassin", that is some monstrous metal shit and what a lyric sheet! "The time has come to shoot your leaders down!"
Splendour in the Grass soon. That means Mos Def, Brian Wilson, TV on the Radio, DJ Shadow, Mogwai... Happy times, although very out of pocket times.
Coldplay owned live. They fuckin caned it, they sounded immense and put on a fucking amazing show. Bag them all you want, they are one of the greatest acts I've ever seen and I think they deserve all of their success. I even like their old shit better now that I've seen them.
Looking forward to the Thom Yorke album, I'll have a listen tomorrow I think. I'm in no great hurry to hear the new SYL, I'm trying not to build up any expectations so I don't get dissapointed. I'm happy to hear he's disbanding them though, I'd rather he has some emotional stability and a happy family life than making more fuckin cock-metal albums.
OK I'm off.