Yup', that sucks
I've seen a piece of a program, where they had done experience displaying various images to some people and analyzing their brain waves, people reacted about 5 times more to sad and disturbing images than the others (or remembered the sad/disturbing pictures 5 time more easily) (but I haven't seen the whole program, so I can't say if it was scientifically serious).
But Unity and Sunday Afternoon are emotionnal songs than I would considere positive, or maybe "humble", at least not sad, as well as Processionnal.
In fact, I'm not sure I'm so touched by sad songs, well if I am, I may only rarely ask for more (I don't need a song to have sad thoughts, hey^^), and maybe I tend to perceive sad songs as "humble", "neutral". Part of the reason is that I don't care about the lyrics that much when listening to music in a foreign language, so if the lyrics are sad, I'm not really aware of it, and even if I've read the lyrics, the music atmosphere is still dominant.