Respect, but stay away from me. It's not a fear really, if it's not poisonous I can take it in my hand, but those fast killing fucks on discovery AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!
I hate horror movies, watched The House when I was little, fuck! Now I know what gets me: it's the music! Fucking high strings start really quiet and build an atmosphere so now I'm just like "Aha, ok, so in about 3-5 secs I'll jump out of my skin. ... C'mon, do it alreaAH fuck you!" Tried watching horror with the sound off and it's like cutting the rapist's dick clean off, haha. Can't get me now, idiots. But no fun. (whoa, not sure about this pun
I also prefer light to dark.
At the end, I'm absolutely frightened of aggressive people. Creatures I can't communicate with and want to harm me scare me the most. I'm a sissy, rudy-poo candy-ass chicken, I know, but hey, I'm not into body contact with anything but the ladies.