Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct
#105337 by asparagusDuck
Fri Jan 13, 2006 11:40 pm
hey, has anybody heard these supposed rules about what u can and cant wear to a metal show. for example, ur not supposed to wear a shirt of the band ur seeing that night, and u cant put on a shirt u just bought at the concert. on one hand, i think its kinda dumb, its a metal concert so who cares.
however, i can also see how wearing a big ol Opeth shirt or whatever to an opeth show might make u look kinda like a newbie fan.
i was thinkin tho, if ur going to a show and the OPENING band just happens to be your favorite band of all time (wink wink), do you suppose this would be acceptable to those who care about this stuff? if not ill just wear a strapping shirt :twisted:

i really don't care about these guidelines or whatever that much, but what do the rest of you guys think? have u heard of this stuff before?

#105339 by Brainwashed
Sat Jan 14, 2006 12:20 am
Hm, those are just general guidelines for concerts in general. I mean, honestly...if you're going to be seeing Opeth or whoever, you don't need to wear an Opeth shirt to tell us that you're an Opeth fan. Otherwise you wouldn't be there, right?

Also, wearing the shirt you just bought...kinda weird. I dunno, the only reason I'd put the shirt on is if I didn't have any place to put it, but most of the time I'm able to roll it up tight and stick it in my pocket.

Usually I like to wear a shirt of a band that is as completely unrelated to the band I am going to be seeing. For example, I wore a Who shirt when I saw Opeth. When I went to SOTU, I wore a Pink Floyd shirt. When I saw Jethro Tull, I wore my Opeth shirt. Etc, etc.

#105342 by Atari
Sat Jan 14, 2006 12:47 am
Wear what you like.

#105347 by fragility
Sat Jan 14, 2006 1:45 am
I don't give a damn! How dumb, it's about the music, not what you're wearing. If I get a shirt at a gig, I always wear it over the top of what I had on already - saves me carrying round a second shirt

#105352 by Coma Divine
Sat Jan 14, 2006 1:59 am
Rules?? feh...

Jim Morrison wrote:There are no rules!!

Seriously, I've never been concerned about what to wear at a show, and if anybody theoretically took umbrage at my attire...well, they would be welcome to attempt to explain their concerns to me... :twisted:

Oh, and this thread sits rather tenuously in the DTB Discussion...

#105355 by sj_2150
Sat Jan 14, 2006 4:55 am
whoever made up those rules are NOT metal

#105360 by Blazingmonga
Sat Jan 14, 2006 5:33 am
I have never, ever heard of those rules. What better time to wear your favourite band's shirt and show your support to them than when they are on stage in front of you?

I cant possibly see how anybody would ever be upset by that. If anybody does care, then they smell. Of poo. Really smelly poo.

#105366 by Pisshead
Sat Jan 14, 2006 6:10 am

Load of gash.

#105374 by Burbster
Sat Jan 14, 2006 6:58 am
Wear what you want.

#105388 by EternalMetal
Sat Jan 14, 2006 9:24 am
Those rules are retarded.

Wearing the band's t-shirt that is playing is a good idea for support. I usually wear a shirt by at least one of the bands playing, and if I dont have one, I just wear a different shirt. I dont see how it is "metal" to wear an unrelated shirt to a concert.

Sometimes ill put on the shirt I just bought, sometimes I wont. I think its lame when you see 4 guys with the same brand new t-shirt on, but whatever. The "metal" thing to do would be to simply do whatever you want.

#105389 by asparagusDuck
Sat Jan 14, 2006 9:45 am
yeah, i wasnt sure if this really belonged in the DTB discussion but since I was referring to an upcoming DTB concert with opeth maybe it does. sorry, feel free to move it if necessary.

i also thought the rule of not putting on a newly bought shirt is stupid. Why carry a shirt around in your hand the entire concert? At least wear it as a hat.

This is gonna be my first time ever seeing DTB live and I figure what the hell, I'm gonna support my boys.

#105396 by chrisslight
Sat Jan 14, 2006 10:02 am
Well, all I know is , when I went to see SYL support Arch Enemy, I was in my SYL shirt. Plus it is always cool to be a wearing the band you are going to sees shirt, purely because when walking around outside the venue before the show, you can spot other fans.

#105399 by EternalMetal
Sat Jan 14, 2006 10:07 am
chrisslight wrote:Well, all I know is , when I went to see SYL support Arch Enemy, I was in my SYL shirt. Plus it is always cool to be a wearing the band you are going to sees shirt, purely because when walking around outside the venue before the show, you can spot other fans.

Agreed. I say the rules should say that you should wear the t-shirt by the band you want to see most. There is usually one band that you would prefer to see over the other, or are more of a fan of, etc.

#105403 by BlueRaja
Sat Jan 14, 2006 10:18 am
I always remember the rule of "not wearing the band's t-shirt" only because of watching PCU so many times. I love that movie. :D

I just usually wear black to shows. Other than that, I would think a band would actually appreciate seeing so many fans in the crowd wearing their shirts.

#105411 by Biert
Sat Jan 14, 2006 11:38 am
When I went to see Opeth, I was just about the only one in the crowd not wearing a black shirt. Mine was fucking blue, and I didn't even think about it before we got there. I saw everyone in black, and thought... "Hmm what am I wearing? Blue? WTF!"
But still, the concert kicked as and I had just as much fun as I would have had in a black shirt.

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