Karma wrote:Catatonik wrote:That was a pretty sweet interview, I now must hear more of their music.
Makes me want to get more indepth into it.
Why thank you!
Please post when you do, would love to hear what you think of them.
I enjoyed that interview *and* the Strapping (Devin Townsend) interview (linked in the Dew Scented interview). I think I'd read the Strapping interview before, but I'm not sure. It was still good, though.
Interesting thing, Devin seems so ambivalent about his music and his place in the world. It bums me out a little bit because I think that Devin really has something to offer people and that it's a gift he should share. I dunno, though I guess if it doesn't make him happy he should do what he wants. But, still, the last thing Devin is is an idiot, as he says in the interview. I think that's silly. He might not be the smartest guy in the room, but he's above average, at least. I think it's healthy to know how much you don't know. But, realizing that shouldn't be misconstrued to be idiocy, either.
Or I could just fuck off.
Anyway, thanks for the interviews, Karma.