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#98937 by Falk
Tue Dec 13, 2005 5:39 pm
Anyone heard aboot them ?

They're quite big actually in Japan I think (you can never be sure with Japan, when you ask someone who really knows he always tells you the contrary :wink: ), their music is pretty good.

I'm usually not a big fan of rock, well I mean today's rock sucks BIG TIME and is uninspired most of the time (at least what's on the radio), and though it's not so bad when you hear it from time to time, I'm really sick of hearing Coldplay, Greenday, White Stripes and a few others again and again and agains and again...

Well about AKG, they're rock, for sure, not intricate music with layers and all like Dev' or Mr Bungle, but they have their own style which I find pretty good. There's some good chords progression (just that sometimes you wish it progresses into something heavier, but it rarely does), and they use a lot of "dirty" chords (maybe that's called dissonance) switchwing from this :

to this :

Some of their songs (well at least one^^) are obviously inspired by Weezer (not especially my favourite). Funny to see their first songs are in english, then only in japanese since they're bigger (well since they've had a record deal).
A lot of their songs are qutie catchy, but not empty nonetheless.

Some highlights if you want to check out them :
Kimi No Machi Made, Rewrite (their "heaviest" if I may say, 4th opening to the Naruto cartoon), Flash Back, N.G.S., Road Movie...

#98938 by ianlogan123
Tue Dec 13, 2005 5:45 pm
Never heard of them before, but will look them up. That's not a particularly dissonent chord though.


#99065 by THE_NEW_PLAGUE
Wed Dec 14, 2005 12:03 pm
When I hear of dissonant chords I automatically think of Gorguts. They rule at it!

#99086 by Falk
Wed Dec 14, 2005 2:11 pm
Dragon Ash ? Mmh the name sounds familiar, but I don't remember hearing anything. I'll ask my bro', he's more into japanese bands than I am.

What is a dissonant chord BTW ? Some examples ?
Cuz that second chord doesn't sounds really clean, but I like how it works with the chord progression. It keeps some sonority from the previous clean chord, but sounds different anyway.

#99127 by chrisslight
Wed Dec 14, 2005 5:44 pm
I've got two albums, great stuff :D

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