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Black Metal

PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 12:34 am
by Violet
My apologies if this topic has been done before. Any BM fans here ?

Im get mostly into:


Limbonic Art





PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 3:43 am
by Tren
Most black metal is awesome, you really need mayhem on that list though heh. Quite a lot of black metal seems to be novelty music these days but all of the early 90's stuff and that early 90's sound is awesome.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 4:05 am
Hell Yeah! I prefer the more proggier side of BM.




Diabolical Masquerade




(early) Arcturus

PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 4:56 am
by EphelDuath666
yeah, I like some Black Metal...not a fan of the primitive Black Metal stuff such as Nattefrost, Darkthrone, Burzum etc...that just makes me zzzzzzzzzzzz. I used to think that all Black Metal is terrible because I always associated BM with bands like the ones I mentioned. But I do like bands such as

Anaal Nathrakh (of course)
Immortal (the last 3 Albums)
Hidden In The Fog
Anorexia Nervosa (although they look even more rediculous than most other BM bands)
some Mörk Gryning
some Old Man's Child
some Naglfar
some Dimmu Borgir
some Limbonic Art
Myrkskog (the Deathmachine Album)
Zyklon (the World ov Worms Album)
Akercocke (they have their BM moments)

that kind of stuff.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 5:14 am
by Olive?


...And... Are Behemoth Black Metal?

Well... If they are, then Behemoth for sure!!!

PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 2:21 pm
by Spinalcold
new Behemoth is Black-Death, same with Zyklon.

Here's my fav. Black Metal bands: (*'s for much check outs)

Ancient Wisdom* -Great Doom-Black metal, extra slow stuff
Absu - supper fast heavy
Abyssic Hate* - Best suicidal metal I've ever heard
Apotheosis* - from Malta, a one man band who mixes folk music, black metal and classical
Astarte - an all chick black metal band from Greece, great melody
Bishop of Hexen - under produced like the second wave of black metal, but very eerie. The keyboards are the driving instument
Belphegor - fast, heavy black metal
Drudkh - extremely melodic slow black metal, very relaxing.
Dub Buk - use some electronic sound (synth and stuff) in their stuff
Endstille - super fast, heavy black metal
Finntroll - polka black-metal, great fun
Forest Stream - soothing slow black metal
Melechesh - From Isreal, they don't sound unique at first, none of their riffs are, but their compositions are unique.
Shining* - Suicide metal, they had the drummer Hellhammer (Mayhem) in for a bit. They blend a lot of acoustic guitar into their music.
Sorcier Des Glaces - Canadian black metal, slow, melodic, reminds you of the great white north, heh
Vintersorg - Their albums are phylosophy papers, if that's not enough, their music blows the mind just trying to wrap around it.
Woods of Ypres* - from Quebec, they are very soft, use a lot of acoustic guitar
Taake - Their riffs remind me of video game music, it's fun black metal, makes me was to run around and jump on peoples heads, lol
Katatonia (old) - before they went goth rock, they were a black metal band, really slow and all over the place. I like their old stuff much more.
Naglfar - Super fast and heavy black metal.
Behemoth* - well their old stuff is straight black metal, and it kicks just as much as Demigod...well maybe not quite as much, but it's damn good.
1349 - super fast, evil black metal.

and who can forget the grand-father Venom, hehe.

I'm forgetting a couple in the list, but I gotta get going.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 10, 2005 9:50 pm
by Catatonik
Yeah, Emperor, Limbonic Art, Ulver, Ackercocke, Enslaved (fucking GODLY) Sigh, Solefald, Dissection, Kekal...

I'm not a huge BM fan, but the stuff I like, I fucking love.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 12:31 am
by af_ödla
I'm more of a Death Metal guy, but I do enjoy a couple of BM acts, such as:

Mörk Gryning
Dark Funeral

PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 4:33 am
Disiplin, Darkthrone, Ulver, Emperor, Thorns, Satyricon, Carpathian Forest, Bathory... many more....

PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 11:23 am
by fullgore
Anyone know of any really technical black metal bands out there?

PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 12:49 pm
by Turge
Well, newer Mayhem is kinda technical me thinks.

And to the guy who mentioned Windir: THANK YOU! That was taking far too long! :P

As for me, my list goes like:

some Bathory(not much)
a little Burzum
a hint of Carpathian Forest
Diabolical Masquerade(don't know what sub-genre of black metal they are though)
newer Dimmu Borgir
Disiplin(I think these guys are know only in Norway for the time being, go do something about it!)
some Gorgoroth
Finntroll(though it hardly sounds black to me... more like "deathpolka")
Nattefrost(the song "Sluts of Hell" rocks so hard!)
Old Man's Child
Segnir(some guys I know, I'd listen more to it if they'd make more stuff)
Vreid(some of the guys from Windir, not "everybody 'cept Valfar", that's a common misunderstanding...)
Windir(my alltime favorite)

PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 2:08 pm
by gozu
just got my ticket for emperor at wacken 2006! booya!

PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 3:56 pm
by EphelDuath666
oh, I gotta add
Arkhon Infaustus
Ruins ( )

and for fullgore...Emperor are technical I'd are their German little brothers Hidden In The Fog ( ... railer.mp3 )

PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 5:13 pm
by HevyMinik
Noone mentioned Thorns?!? Weiiiiird!

and the rest of the early 90's BM :)

PostPosted: Sun Dec 11, 2005 5:47 pm
by Turge
HevyMinik wrote:Noone mentioned Thorns?!? Weiiiiird!

THE_NEW_PLAGUE wrote:Disiplin, Darkthrone, Ulver, Emperor, Thorns...
