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#98091 by Spinalcold
Wed Dec 07, 2005 8:52 pm
I don't know if everyone heard. But Nightwish fired Tarja (their singer). First of all, are there any other Nightwish fans here? Second, what do you think of the situation and how the band will go?

#98104 by FUBAR
Thu Dec 08, 2005 1:18 am
I dont't like Nightwish, but wasn't the singer the factor that made them so unique?

#98120 by ASHORIZZOR
Thu Dec 08, 2005 3:56 am
They fired Tarja more than 2 weeks ago!!! She is even on the way in Germany for a single/solo performance.

#98135 by niklang
Thu Dec 08, 2005 7:40 am
I like Nightwish a lot but it does seem that Tarja was not as fully committed to the cause as the rest of the guys. She wasn't actually a fan of metal music and when you are in one of the current big bands in metal thats gonna be a problem.

I think they need to find someone as unique but not a carbon copy. But saying that they need to be able to sing 'Tarja's' songs.

Be interesting to see who they get...i guess it doesn't necessarily have to be a woman?!

#98154 by Yanko
Thu Dec 08, 2005 9:33 am
never cared much about nightwish, they have some cool songs, but mostly they sound the same. Tarja was pretty good, Tuomas had some nice ideas and all.... but all the same.

Now Tarja is gonna turn into a producer-controlled-artist, which will make her even bigger, and hey, producers usually make artists sound good as hell on the more pop-ish realm, so maybe i'm even gonna dig her solo work more.
About nightwish, they'll just find a hottie who can do lyrical and move on, not much doubt about that.

#98315 by gozu
Fri Dec 09, 2005 10:52 am
i like nightwish (totally blew me away at Wacken) but i think they will be fine whatever they do. they should get their bass player to sing his version of 'high hopes' is excellent!

#98350 by Spinalcold
Fri Dec 09, 2005 4:20 pm
Nightwish is my current favorite band and so I was quite devistated when I heard this. Althought, truth be told I was not entirely surprised, I could see she was turning into a Diva more than a musician. They won't ever be able to truely replace her and it would be good if they get someone who sounds different, however that's impossible because they need to play their old songs. I think this will hurt them as a band badly, they will manage to continue on, but their stride is broken and they won't have the potential for global fame like they once did.

I'm really dissapointed that I didn't try and go see them this year, even if it ment traveling across the continent, and it looks like I'll never get the chance to see that Nightwish anymore. I just hope their new singer is able to capture the...essence of Nightwish as well. Who knows their music may be better, but I don't think they'll ever be as big as they could have been. But then, Toumas values the music more than fame...and I'm glad for that.

#98450 by Eyesore
Sat Dec 10, 2005 6:24 pm
Nightwish RULES! No, their songs don't all sound the same. Pffft! Absoludicrous! Yes, they fired Tarja, this happened like 2 months ago. Hehehe.

Tuomas and the rest of the band posted an open letter on their site detailing their reason. Some complained it was too personal, but I think it was pretty bold and honest. Tarja has never really denied any of the accusations either, she's just used a bit of deflection to sort of answer the question, but she never really denies anything.

Personally, I think Floor Jansen should give up her spot in After Forever to her younger sister, Irene, and then join Nightwish. That way neither band suffers. Irene would be a good fit for After Forever and I think Floor would be a better fit for Nightwish. She's not as good at the classic opera style, but she's VERY powerful and has an excellent soprano. I think Nightwish with Floor Jansen would be a better band.

#98451 by Spinalcold
Sat Dec 10, 2005 6:54 pm
I love After Forever as well, she has a great voice but it would never work for Nightwish. She just doesn't get enough power out of her operatic vocals...there's power, but nothing compared to how Tarja would belt things out.

As for the open letter...It was staggeringly truthful and honest, but opinionated. There's not much Tarja COULD have denied, it was a lot of opinion based beleifs that she admits she didn't agree with but she just has to move on. She was going to leave after one more album anyways so this just cut it one album earlier. Personally, I don't think all the personal things had to be said on the open letter, but I like knowing anyways.

#98624 by alucard0848
Mon Dec 12, 2005 12:00 am
thay could be even a good movie sdtk band doing scores and instrumentals and stuff i mean moondance is a kickass track and very powerful even if it is an intrumental piece

#98634 by Kristopher
Mon Dec 12, 2005 12:50 am
Im not one to comment really... as i dont know nightwish all that well.

But I dont feel a band can change vocalists, and still give off the same vibe... voice is such a dynamic and controling element in a bands sound (this is if you ask me) and I dont feel many bands could pull it off (except ACDC) without a fairbit of trouble doing so.

But like I say... i dont really know Nightwish, their sound, or their talents...
p.S. does this mean I may have missed the times of a once great band?? and nightwish fans... could they live on as Nightwish with another vocalist??

#98642 by fullgore
Mon Dec 12, 2005 1:08 am
^Dillinger Escape Plan, Faith No More, Genesis, Iced Earth, Killswitch Engage, Katatonia, etc. etc. A lot of bands have gone through a couple vocalists and still remain good.

#98665 by Spinalcold
Mon Dec 12, 2005 6:04 am
fullgore wrote:^Dillinger Escape Plan, Faith No More, Genesis, Iced Earth, Killswitch Engage, Katatonia, etc. etc. A lot of bands have gone through a couple vocalists and still remain good.

But for any of those that I've heard different singers, I have a favorite. The Ripper is an awesome vocalist, but I don't like him in Iced Earth, he just doesn't have the emotional touch of the old singer.

#98674 by the-fluke
Mon Dec 12, 2005 7:22 am
I've heard that Simone Simons from Epica might be joining. Apparently she's done one or two jams with Nightwish, but personally I don't believe this. I'm a HUGE fan of Epica and I seriously don't think Simone would give up her place in such an amazing band. Epica have come so far so fast I don't think anyone would want to leave now.

As for Nightwish not having the same vibe with a different singer, I think the band recognize this and are willing to move forward musically to accomodate a different vocalist. Obviously the new singer would have to have a similar style, but I don't think the band would have a like-for-like replacement for Tarja, rather someone with a slightly different voice that would suit Nightwish's musical evolution. Clearly when the band do find a new singer there is going to be lots of speculation and/or disagreement as to what the new sound of the band will be, but very few bands can survive on just one particular sound. No doubt Tuomas will simply write music and lyrics according to the vibe in the band at the time, and whatever comes out will reflect this.

I for one am actually looking forward to a new Nightwish record. I personally think it will be very different from 'Once', but will still be distinctive Nightwish.

Only time will tell...

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