Clive Barker´s boner movie
Posted: Wed Dec 22, 2004 6:13 pm
so I recently bought the Hellraiser Lament Configuration Box set and of course it rules and stuff. But yesterday I chekced the Bonus DVD for the first time and watched Clive Barker´s early short movie called "The Forbidden" and I was a bit...let´s say...surprised to see a guy dancing around nude, having a boner for about 10 or 15 minutes. Maybe I have the sense of humor of a 12 year old but I pretty much laughed my ass off like crazy. I swear, the camera is pointed at that nude guy (not sure but I think it´s actually Doug Bradly) for at least 10 minutes without any other scene in between and he´s dancing around with a boner. So my question is has anyone seen that too? What the hell is that short movie supposed to mean? (especially the boner scene...please, someone explain!!! lol) And aren´t Hellraiser 1 and 2 some kick ass movies? (Yes, I´m kinda bored btw, in addition to that I´m tired)