Without modern medicine I'd be dead now, so they've earned my trust. When the time comes that a vaccine is recommended for me (so far in the Netherlands they're only giving vaccines to risk groups, to which I don't think I belong), I will have mine without worries. Not that I'm blind some of the misgivings that are addressed in this thread, but in the area of supplying mind-control nano-bots or poisoning the population or whatever the current popular conspiracy theory is, I don't buy it.
BrunoN wrote:Van Pole wrote:If the vaccines are so great, then why some people died after taking it or get serious illness caused from it ? Maybe because it was not properly tested and government allowed that to happen.
First of all, like Oid said: the data. Second, every medication have a list of side effects, some lists are long as this thread and contain some really wacky things.
EVen Antibiotics have side effects. Also every medical item does. For example, the antiboitics my mum had to take last week gave her some mild stomach bleeding and confusion! Do I think it's anyhting to do with whatever conspirasy theory is going on? No. It's merely a side effect of having to take one poision to get rid of another. xD
Like Swerve said, I'm sure a lot of us wouldn't be here if it wasn't for our medical centers.

on the plus side- Reading how many people here have got the jab and are fine, I might talk to my doc next week about getting it too. I'd rather have a sore arm for a couple of days and be fine, than sick as a pig for a couple of weeks.