ah, therein lies the point. An insult does not make a an ad hominem attack. It would only be ad hominem if the insult were being used as the basis to disprove the argument.
Quite apart from which, stating that Dan Brown sucks as an author is not an attack on his personality - it is an appraisal (and an accurate one) of his abilities. "Dan Brown is an asshole. His books suck" would be a personal attack and an insult in the first bit and an accurate appraisal of his work in the second. "Dan Brown is an asshole so his books suck" would be an ad hominem attack. "Dan Brown is an asshole so his books suck - therefore Freemasonry is rubbish" would have been an ad hominem attack in the discussion.
If you want further clarification, have a read of this:
I didn't mean Island in the first place I actually meant MSM hacks attacking him to hijack the debate of the facts around the things he so poorly alludes to in his books. Perhaps I should clarify myself more succinctly next time, I can see why this was misinterpreted. I'll edit my post slightly to reflect that.
@Island, underlying doesn't have to mean deep, just where he was coming from; so exactly as you say (or my own perspective's approximation.) However I'd say personally that him essentially trashing the fact that different secret societies are part of the belief system of the subscribers to the degenerate NWO ethic could be quite an in-depth topic of discussion... Whether or not you want to call that "underlying" or not is kind of a moot point imo.
Dan Brown is a coffee-shop writer, he doesn't write well-researched literature at best and at worst writes disinfo. I enjoyed the 2 books I read purely in a pulp fiction context, knowing they weren't gonna be anything more than that. We're hardly talking Ayn Rand status here as far as authors go are we? I suggest we stop arguing when we agree with each other (for the most part)
Anyway what do you both think of the push for global governance?
@Hairbear, Jordan Maxwell's definitely done some very interesting work though for sure if you want to delve into the occult minds/workings of the elite. I guess maybe this would be an appropriate place to post some stuff along these lines?