Biert wrote:Antiyou wrote:Billy Rhomboid wrote:Antiyou wrote: Maybe you should grow up and realize that a pregnant wife is a bit more of a priority than a syringe full of whatever.
...inappropriate, crass and meaningless.
On an internet messageboard?
Apparently the word "if" is censored on this board. Did I say that I am an authority on the vices of the members of Slipknot? if you don't like my OPINION, ignore it. It's every bit as meaningless as the know-it-all drivel everyone else spews out round here. The coroner's report that the media sourced said there was no evidence of foul play or natural causes. The remaining toxicology test is in progress. Making the leap to a POSSIBLE OVERDOSE OF A DEAD ROCK STAR, is not that far of a stretch. You know, since science ruled out the immediate most likely causes.
Maybe people should take the "kid gloves" off and call a fucking spade a spade. Junkies die. Accept it instead of making excuses for people's fragile emotional states. You choose to put poison in your body and choose to destroy the lives of your loved ones. Fucking grow a pair and don't try to fuck over a single mom/kid.
Don't forget that besides rock star and possible junkie, Paul Gray was also a person. He was someone's son, someone's friend, someone's lover, someone's neighbour, someone's father. Let's see you spew all this nonsense when someone close to you, someone you care about, dies of a possible overdose.
Just imagine it was your lover or your child who had died. How would you feel if people were saying things like you said? It's utterly disrespectful.
Just that he made some poor decisions in his life, doesn't immediately make him a bad person. If the drugs was poor decision at all, his status as a rock star put him in the position to reap all the benefits I'd say. But that's a whole different discussion.
It's about respect here. We treat those who've passed on with respect.
Respect for the dead does sweet fuck all to help the living who will struggle to carry on. Why do we live in a society that holds everyone but the individual accountable? Make no mistake "IF" this was a drug situation, it was "PAUL'S CHOICE" to do drugs. "PAUL CHOSE" to be inebriated over being a responsible husband and father. "PAUL CHOSE" to make his child an orphan. "PAUL CHOSE" to die.
Whatever words I put to the situation won't change the fact. How about some respect for the living? You know, those that "CHOSE" not to get high? Those who "CHOSE" to remain alive to care for an infant. Those that "CHOSE" not to be selfish.
Don't take your misplaced agression out on me because I don't butter shit up. If my spouse OD'd, I can guarantee you that her family would hear my point of view. I would invite anyone who was let down by her selfishness to voice their opinion. Unlike the majority, I understand the truth hurts. I also understand that everyone is free to do as they choose. If they choose to gamble with drugs, they should be held accountable for their weakness instead of becoming a fucking saint. Kurt Cobain wasn't a fucking saint, he made mediochre music that was on par with the lowest common denominator musically. Layne Staley wasn't a saint. He chose to rot instead of getting help and continuing to make beautiful music. Shannon Hoon wasn't a fucking saint. I personally think he was the biggest loss of the 90's talent-wise, but that is my personal opinion. He chose his fate the same way the aformentioned pair did.
It sucks that people die. That's life. It also sucks that the people left behind in these situations turn their loss into some kind of selective memory martyrdom. The drugs aren't the problem people, the user is. Guns don't kill people, people do. Cars don't kill people, people in cars kill people. Accountability folks... it's what we need to progress as a species.