Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct

#83353 by Regal Jenkinson
Fri Jul 29, 2005 2:30 am
Burzum wrote:Now I'll say this. Varg is quite an intelligent person. Perhaps he is impressionable too. I don't agree with all of his beliefs but I can certainly understand some of them. The Satanism, well the ideology of Satanism is actually very impressive and far more logical than any rubbish sprouted by the Christian faiths. Too bad I don't believe in God but really I guess I'm a Satanist at heart without actually 'worshipping' any deity.

Satanism IS sprouted by the christian faiths.

#83355 by Tren
Fri Jul 29, 2005 3:43 am
Christianity is anti-human, but thats not to say satanism doesn't contradict itself just as much.

#83362 by FinnAtLondon
Fri Jul 29, 2005 6:55 am
I only worship big boobs.

#83366 by EphelDuath666
Fri Jul 29, 2005 7:51 am
I worship my penis, 12 times a day...on bad days.

#83380 by geoff
Fri Jul 29, 2005 11:24 am

Help elevate the level of discussion with intelligible comments around the subject developed here. Other than this I am not sure that bashing other's people beliefs is the right option to keep this thread alive.

#83391 by Wiseblud
Fri Jul 29, 2005 5:11 pm
Regal Jenkinson wrote:
Burzum wrote:Now I'll say this. Varg is quite an intelligent person. Perhaps he is impressionable too. I don't agree with all of his beliefs but I can certainly understand some of them. The Satanism, well the ideology of Satanism is actually very impressive and far more logical than any rubbish sprouted by the Christian faiths. Too bad I don't believe in God but really I guess I'm a Satanist at heart without actually 'worshipping' any deity.

Satanism IS sprouted by the christian faiths.

That is an interesting statement. I personally think that there are people who profess christianity in word but are satanist in deed. Satanism is just the ultimate honesty of owning your human nature, and there is where it limits itself. Christianity is the suppression of that same human nature, but relies on the guilt involved with sin and thus very forgiving of deeds of human nature. Its like some symbiosis and neither can live without the other. I would say that a LOT of people hold to the Satanist ideology, just dont realize it.

#83392 by FinnAtLondon
Fri Jul 29, 2005 5:38 pm
I think "satanism" as a generalisation is a chilidish form of being not religious and being arrogant about it. Varg's view on this is bit more "educated" but he has the tendancy to overdo anything he gets in to. And starts to whine when he is the only one "tr00 in da scene" and tries to be a marthyr :D

I wish seeing yourself as a species had less provacative word than "satanism" as more or less people on this forum see it as "obvious".

#83409 by Tren
Sat Jul 30, 2005 5:04 am
It comes down to a choice between indulgence and abstinence , I wouldn’t call myself anything really I do have beliefs but I pretty much make them up from my experiences. Why would any god or loving higher power have a problem with responsible indulgence ?

#83418 by Regal Jenkinson
Sat Jul 30, 2005 8:40 am
The bible is just a basic moral guide book. To live by it word for word is stupid, because it's 2000 years old.

But so-called "Satanists" who deny it and say they are the opposite of it are equally stupid. I'd like them see them exercise their Satanic rite to kill etc...

#83419 by Greg Reason
Sat Jul 30, 2005 8:48 am
My main problem with viewing the Bible as the Word of God is that Emperor Constantine had it re-written at the Council of Nicea, a process that included ommiting chapters he found displeasing and substituting new versions of the remaining ones in place the originally worded script.

#83420 by EphelDuath666
Sat Jul 30, 2005 9:19 am
Regal Jenkinson wrote:The bible is just a basic moral guide book. To live by it word for word is stupid, because it's 2000 years old.

But so-called "Satanists" who deny it and say they are the opposite of it are equally stupid. I'd like them see them exercise their Satanic rite to kill etc...

I couldn't agree more. To me the Bible is a book, not more and not less...a metaphor. If it helps people to get through their lives and prevents them from killing someone or whatever, that is totally fine. But when it is used to justify things like the whole "eye for an eye" concept and other things that I don't agree with, I don't know...can't say that I like that at all and it happens and happens over and over again. The Bible is just one example of course. And Satanism....well, there are Satanists that say Satanism is about being yourself and not about killing each other, etc. and others say it's about worshipping Satan, only the strong survive and blah. So there are many forms of it as with any religion. And I can't say that I hate religion although it's not my thing. But I don't like it at all when it's used against people or to justify things that usually would be considered a serious crime.

#83490 by FinnAtLondon
Sun Jul 31, 2005 4:28 am
Has anyone read the Dan Brown book? Does it have any cool ideas about history and does it correlate at all with this discussion?

Probably I will buy it but not today because I just can't be arsed to hear any screaming kids in my local Tesco with a hangover.

#83508 by dub
Sun Jul 31, 2005 10:29 am
If you've read "Holy Blood, Holy Grail" and know anything about the history of christianity, it won't surprise you. It'll just bore you with it's crappy plot, shite characters and hilarious chapter endings.

It has that 'page turner' Harry Potter pacing. Speaking of which, I heard some interesting comment about more kids growing up reading JK Rowling than the Bible... which means that if she chucks any really obvious spirituality into the last one (CS Lewis style)... that could be really funny. She can get credited with creating not just a generation of 'readers' but 'born again's ahah

I don't think I'm going to wade into any discussion of 'satanism'... the word means different things to everyone, depending on what they've been exposed to.

This whole denying the pleasure principle vs. repression for the purpose of achievement thing is a little too freudian for me, I think western society has totally thrown that out the window... Foucault was onto something and everyone's turned into post-modern omni-amorous over-achievers. You can have your cake and eat it too, but the cake never fills you up. :(

Different discussion though.

I'm pretty gnostic. Those evil Archons are alwsys fucking up my life.

#83618 by Burzum
Mon Aug 01, 2005 7:44 pm
FinnAtLondon wrote:I think "satanism" as a generalisation is a chilidish form of being not religious and being arrogant about it. Varg's view on this is bit more "educated" but he has the tendancy to overdo anything he gets in to. And starts to whine when he is the only one "tr00 in da scene" and tries to be a marthyr :D

I wish seeing yourself as a species had less provacative word than "satanism" as more or less people on this forum see it as "obvious".

... but Satanists ARE religious

I don't see why you'd call it childish. Pointless perhaps, but hardly childish.

As wiseblud said, Satanism merely puts into words what most people hold true anyway. Live your life, enjoy it and don't waste it living by anyone else's moral rules. Don't feel guilty for having fun. Makes sense to me - the only thing I don't understand is why anyone would need a religion to tell them to do so. Oh well ...

#83628 by Tren
Tue Aug 02, 2005 2:13 am
Thats how i see it. Reading the satanic bible i didn't really take much from it most of it was just common sense. Call it satanism call it humanism why anybody would choose to live their life the way somebody else thinks they should i way beyond me.

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