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#24564 by Dr. Fletcher
Mon May 24, 2004 4:14 am
I don't know if this is the same thing or not, but there was a documentary made with that same premise called "Supersize Me". Also, another person did a 'counter-documentary' or something although I don't believe it was made into a movie. He lost weight on the diet, but was only drinking diet soda with his meals instead of regular to show that the weight gain in the film was from 'liquid-calories'. He has a website and was on the news somewhere, but i don't remember links to either.

#24951 by StrappingYoungLad
Tue May 25, 2004 10:03 pm
McAss is what it is. Ronald is an escaped prisoner tring to hide in a clown outfit! See his red and white stripes? Remniscient of Texas State!? And those shoes are so big so he can smuggle drugs. His hair is red so he can blend in with the Scots when he's on McHaggis time!

ps..the Colonel is down with him also! that goatie is brewtal!

#24974 by flood_of_rain
Tue May 25, 2004 11:18 pm
The Colonel is so Metal \m/
bah, thanks to this thread, everytime i pass McDonalds, I'm gonna think of McAnus instead :(

#25009 by FinnAtLondon
Wed May 26, 2004 1:32 am

#25216 by Sinkharmony
Wed May 26, 2004 10:04 am
Dr. Fletcher wrote:I don't know if this is the same thing or not, but there was a documentary made with that same premise called "Supersize Me". Also, another person did a 'counter-documentary' or something although I don't believe it was made into a movie. He lost weight on the diet, but was only drinking diet soda with his meals instead of regular to show that the weight gain in the film was from 'liquid-calories'. He has a website and was on the news somewhere, but i don't remember links to either.

He lost weight eating nothing but McDonalds??? Just cuz he wasn't drinking regular soda? Shows what kind of sugar bombs they are if that's true.

#25304 by DimeWeed
Wed May 26, 2004 8:35 pm
and can someone tell me, just what the fuck is Grimmis? some sort of mutated beetroot? :evil:

#25330 by Gossamer Wings
Thu May 27, 2004 12:29 am
There were two guys who did the 30 day mcdonalds experiment. The first guy only ate one maccas meal a day and exercised for hours everyday, which is how he lost weight. The second guy, Morgan Spurlock - who filmed his experience (now the blockbuster movie 'Super Size Me') ate a full three maccas meals everyday, supersized if he was ever asked, and put on so much weight it took 14 months on a vegan diet to lose it. Doubled his colesterol, his liver was fucked, not to mention the regular blackouts from all the sugar. His doctors begged him to stop only days in, but he persisted to prove his point and make his movie. He was on Denton (enough Rope) the other day. MTV have just boycotted ads for the film because some of the major food outlets pay lots of money for advertising on their network. What a disgrace. However McDonalds have just announced that their SuperSize option will no longer be available due to health/obesity considerations.

#25437 by Sinkharmony
Thu May 27, 2004 8:43 am
I just saw Supersize Me last night and I advise ppl to see it if they can. It was actually enjoyable! Some parts were hard to watch, especially if you have just eaten. Overall it was a good movie and will affect my decision in terms of buying fast food in the future.

#25457 by baldmosher
Thu May 27, 2004 9:04 am
I have one thing to say on the whole issue.

I don't make explosives, even though I know how, because it'll blow things up and that's bad.

Likewise, I don't eat McDonalds.

You can't blame Fisons for making fertiliser just cos people use them to make bombs; likewise, you can't blame McDonalds for making unhealthy foods any more than you can blame Nestlé for putting sugar in Sugar Puffs.

#25460 by baldmosher
Thu May 27, 2004 9:07 am
Gossamer Wings wrote:SuperSize option will no longer be available due to health/obesity considerations.

Actually, the official line was that it only makes up for less than 1% of the turnover, so it wasn't worth keeping on the menus because of the bad publicity.

Regards to "SuperSize Me", if you ate nothing but beans on toast for a month I've no doubt you'd be in worse shape. There's no vitamins in baked beans, at least McD's contains some salad.

Fucking stupid man, he deserves to get liver disease and suffer a slow death for being so idiotic. It's no wonder Americans are fat if that's the average level of intelligence in that country. ;)

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