Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct
#240983 by Keeker
Mon May 31, 2010 11:12 am
Leechmaster wrote:
djskrimp wrote:
Leechmaster wrote:Image

Curiosity killed the cat...

...But then I realised it wasn't dead, so I put it in reverse and backed up. It was the loudest scream and the most blood I have ever seen in my life.

Stoney, I apologise for putting you in that position. You know I loves ya, dude.

The people from the forum who had seen these reacted very positively to them, offensive or not, so I figured it may well be a general consensus that teh 1337z0rz interwebz savvy people would get that they were a total parody and have a chuckle at their ridiculousness, so I posted em. Most funny things are funny because they are at the expense of someone/something else, and I felt those embodied that wonderful spirit of humanity quite nicely. Just because a person thinks something is funny, doesn't mean they condone it. I hardly go about putting babies on the cocks of priests or throwing KFC around while screaming "Niggers!" à la Rex Kramer or goose-stepping through Synagogues on Saturdays after work... I just think everything that can be joked about needs to be laughed at, lest the world be an even more shit and bleak and downtrodden place than it is now. Everyone gets abused in one way or another, really, and I think the best medicine for it is to try look on the funny side and laugh that sorta crap off. I accept not everyone will look at things that way. The post was clearly for few.

At least I didn't do Cobumbo... I didn't have any cigars.

I don't disagree, as a principle. I actually wear the uniform I wear and go to screwy deserts to protect the freedom for people to do exactly that, but even I know this axiom: A time and a place for everything. This place, my friend, just isn't it. There's a LOT of stuff I say/post on other forums I'd never do here. Not because I think people here have no sense of humor, but because of what the site is about and who comprises the member list. If ever I get to the UK, I'll buy you a beer and you can tell me the most fucked up jokes you want. I'll even laugh. Just not here, please?

I'll also give ya a shlap for thinking Ireland is part of the UK. :P

I'm pretty sure that's not what he meant. He knows you're not part of the UK, but another British Islander. He meant if he ever gets posted to the UK it puts you both within potential travelling distance of your beer.
#240984 by Leechmaster
Mon May 31, 2010 11:25 am
Keeker wrote:
Leechmaster wrote:
djskrimp wrote:
Leechmaster wrote:Image<br style="text-shadow: none;"><br style="text-shadow: none;">Curiosity killed the cat...<br style="text-shadow: none;"><br style="text-shadow: none;">...But then I realised it wasn't dead, so I put it in reverse and backed up. It was the loudest scream and the most blood I have ever seen in my life.<br style="text-shadow: none;"><br style="text-shadow: none;">Stoney, I apologise for putting you in that position. You know I loves ya, dude.<br style="text-shadow: none;"><br style="text-shadow: none;">The people from the forum who had seen these reacted very positively to them, offensive or not, so I figured it may well be a general consensus that teh 1337z0rz interwebz savvy people would get that they were a total parody and have a chuckle at their ridiculousness, so I posted em. Most funny things are funny because they are at the expense of someone/something else, and I felt those embodied that wonderful spirit of humanity quite nicely. Just because a person thinks something is funny, doesn't mean they condone it. I hardly go about putting babies on the cocks of priests or throwing KFC around while screaming "Niggers!" à la Rex Kramer or goose-stepping through Synagogues on Saturdays after work... I just think everything that can be joked about needs to be laughed at, lest the world be an even more shit and bleak and downtrodden place than it is now. Everyone gets abused in one way or another, really, and I think the best medicine for it is to try look on the funny side and laugh that sorta crap off. I accept not everyone will look at things that way. The post was clearly for few.<br style="text-shadow: none;"><br style="text-shadow: none;">At least I didn't do Cobumbo... I didn't have any cigars.
<br style="text-shadow: none;">I don't disagree, as a principle. I actually wear the uniform I wear and go to screwy deserts to protect the freedom for people to do exactly that, but even I know this axiom: A time and a place for everything. This place, my friend, just isn't it. There's a LOT of stuff I say/post on other forums I'd never do here. Not because I think people here have no sense of humor, but because of what the site is about and who comprises the member list. If ever I get to the UK, I'll buy you a beer and you can tell me the most fucked up jokes you want. I'll even laugh. Just not here, please?
<br style="text-shadow: none;"><br style="text-shadow: none;">I'll also give ya a shlap for thinking Ireland is part of the UK. :P
<br style="text-shadow: none;">I'm pretty sure that's not what he meant. He knows you're not part of the UK, but another British Islander. He meant if he ever gets posted to the UK it puts you both within potential travelling distance of your beer.

Ah I know. I was only taking the piss...
#241023 by djskrimp
Mon May 31, 2010 7:42 pm
Leechmaster wrote:
djskrimp wrote:
Leechmaster wrote:Image

Curiosity killed the cat...

...But then I realised it wasn't dead, so I put it in reverse and backed up. It was the loudest scream and the most blood I have ever seen in my life.

Stoney, I apologise for putting you in that position. You know I loves ya, dude.

The people from the forum who had seen these reacted very positively to them, offensive or not, so I figured it may well be a general consensus that teh 1337z0rz interwebz savvy people would get that they were a total parody and have a chuckle at their ridiculousness, so I posted em. Most funny things are funny because they are at the expense of someone/something else, and I felt those embodied that wonderful spirit of humanity quite nicely. Just because a person thinks something is funny, doesn't mean they condone it. I hardly go about putting babies on the cocks of priests or throwing KFC around while screaming "Niggers!" à la Rex Kramer or goose-stepping through Synagogues on Saturdays after work... I just think everything that can be joked about needs to be laughed at, lest the world be an even more shit and bleak and downtrodden place than it is now. Everyone gets abused in one way or another, really, and I think the best medicine for it is to try look on the funny side and laugh that sorta crap off. I accept not everyone will look at things that way. The post was clearly for few.

At least I didn't do Cobumbo... I didn't have any cigars.

I don't disagree, as a principle. I actually wear the uniform I wear and go to screwy deserts to protect the freedom for people to do exactly that, but even I know this axiom: A time and a place for everything. This place, my friend, just isn't it. There's a LOT of stuff I say/post on other forums I'd never do here. Not because I think people here have no sense of humor, but because of what the site is about and who comprises the member list. If ever I get to the UK, I'll buy you a beer and you can tell me the most fucked up jokes you want. I'll even laugh. Just not here, please?

I'll also give ya a shlap for thinking Ireland is part of the UK. :P

I don't, you twit. The closest to Ireland I can get stationed is the UK. 8)
#241031 by BlueRaja
Mon May 31, 2010 9:59 pm
Leechmaster wrote:Image

...I just wanted to quote ClareBear again.
#241102 by Atari
Tue Jun 01, 2010 4:15 pm
BlueRaja wrote:

...I just wanted to quote ClareBear again.

*spanks ferociously*
#241105 by AlucardXIX
Tue Jun 01, 2010 5:06 pm
Atari wrote:
BlueRaja wrote:

...I just wanted to quote ClareBear again.

*spanks ferociously*

*sits front and center for said spectacle*

I'm waiting for round 2 now :mrgreen:
#241155 by djskrimp
Wed Jun 02, 2010 7:01 am
Atari wrote:
BlueRaja wrote:

...I just wanted to quote ClareBear again.

*spanks ferociously*

You just made this thread entirely too awesome.
#241158 by sj_2150
Wed Jun 02, 2010 7:28 am
Atari wrote:
BlueRaja wrote:

...I just wanted to quote ClareBear again.

*spanks ferociously*

how can i get in on this?
#241195 by Keeker
Wed Jun 02, 2010 3:50 pm
Well it's become quite apparent what the most popular fetish is in this forum then! <hoot>

Suits me. :mrgreen:
#241196 by EphelDuath666
Wed Jun 02, 2010 3:52 pm
fetish? Well, if you think that's a fetish then I can only imagine what you'd think of the other special likes of me and Sab.

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