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REALITY TV is too overrated


#16403 by Morogth
Tue Apr 27, 2004 3:41 am
Reality TV, very simply, sucks like a cheap hooker in Brooklyn during Christmas when it's cold and her bits get frozen up and she doesn't get any punters anyway cos they're all at home with their families pretending to be loving parents/husbands. (Did I just let out too much? :P)

Anyway, "reality" TV is a myth. Each show is manufactured, edited and pre-produced anyway. I find it amusing that so many people want to be on one of these shows - "Eee I'll be on the telly!" - when it almost always ends up screwing up their lives in one form or another. It's all about that 15 minutes of fame. Everyone wants to be a celebrity, and nobody wants to work for it. Just send in your application, take a mouthful of Satan's scaly pecker of jism, and BOOM! you're in the Big Brother house.

Most television sucks anyway. I only watch Paramount Comedy and the wrestling anyway. Oh, and Stargate. Do I sound like a geek now?

#16406 by Apophis
Tue Apr 27, 2004 3:47 am
Stargate is ace. so no, for that point alone, you're not a geek :D

#16409 by FinnAtLondon
Tue Apr 27, 2004 3:55 am
I always thought that Richard Dean Andersson was anti-violent but he really kicks ass now compared to McGyver days.

#16427 by Cherie
Tue Apr 27, 2004 4:16 am
I too am apart of the non-tv watchers party.
Over 2 and a half years ago, I moved into a place where the tv plug didn't work. I meant to tell them to fix it but I never got around to it, after a month or so, I noticed that I didn't even miss it, and I couldn't think of one thing I wanted to watch anyway.

I don't listen to the radio (except Full Metal Racket on JJJ) and I don't read the paper or news internet sites, so I pretty much have no idea what is going on in the world.

I didn't even know there was war on Irac until it was over.


#16434 by Devinaddicted_Nils
Tue Apr 27, 2004 4:30 am
Cherie wrote:I too am apart of the non-tv watchers party.
Over 2 and a half years ago, I moved into a place where the tv plug didn't work. I meant to tell them to fix it but I never got around to it, after a month or so, I noticed that I didn't even miss it, and I couldn't think of one thing I wanted to watch anyway.

I don't listen to the radio (except Full Metal Racket on JJJ) and I don't read the paper or news internet sites, so I pretty much have no idea what is going on in the world.

I didn't even know there was war on Irac until it was over.


So you don't really know whether Geoff is right if he says that you'd look like Buffy? :D How should you know? But hey. You got a it should be no problem to stay informed.

#16438 by DeadHead
Tue Apr 27, 2004 4:34 am
Yes it is shit. But....NHL hockey rules! :D

#16496 by Coma Divine
Tue Apr 27, 2004 8:10 am
Cherie wrote:I didn't even know there was war on Irac until it was over.

Oh it ain't over. When they've finished there they'll take it on the road. I don't watch much TV either, I mean I watch it...but I don't see much of it, if you get my meaning.
    My TV is covered with food - due to me swearing and screaming at it while eating my dinner due to:
      1. The totally snivelling Right-leaning electronic sewer outlet that is today's "news". And
 voted "yeah".

          #16497 by Sapphire
          Tue Apr 27, 2004 8:15 am
          Reality-TV is more or less dying here in Norway...they still air some crappy reality-series, but noone's watching.

          The only TV-shows I watch is cartoons, political debate-shows, the news and metal-shows.

          #16499 by Vesper
          Tue Apr 27, 2004 8:28 am
          Devinaddicted_Nils wrote:
          Vesper wrote:OFFICIAL STATEMENT

          I don't watch TV (anymore).


          kidding, Vesper?

          Nay, true - I have the net and that's enough :)
          What do you need TV for?? Entertainment? Come on, books, cinemas and parties are BETTER... Information? Can't beat the net in that...
          Any other ideas? :)

          #16536 by Sinkharmony
          Tue Apr 27, 2004 11:00 am
          I only watch TV for sports or comedy/cartoon shows...and The Shield. Everything else is movies or video games. :mrgreen:

          Speaking of comedy...has anyone ever seen The Office? It's a british comedy and wicked funny. I suppose it's been out for a while now in Europe, but I'm just getting into it now.

          #16598 by StrappingYoungLad
          Tue Apr 27, 2004 5:01 pm
          geoff wrote:same thing here ... i never watch TV, apart from porn dvd movies :)

          I'll hook you up Geoff...only the fines ;)


          #16864 by Apophis
          Wed Apr 28, 2004 7:48 am
          Sinkharmony wrote:Speaking of comedy...has anyone ever seen The Office? It's a british comedy and wicked funny. I suppose it's been out for a while now in Europe, but I'm just getting into it now.

          i'm probably on my own, but i don't find that in the slightest bit funny. Vastly overrated too IMO.

          I much prefer the likes of Little Britain, Father Ted, or generally anything not involving Ricky Gervais ;)

          #16865 by FinnAtLondon
          Wed Apr 28, 2004 7:48 am

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