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#131780 by gazza
Sat Oct 14, 2006 10:56 pm
you know, i ask that question often these days. i'll let you know when i figure myself out ;)

on a serious note, its just another form of expression, its not meant for everyone.

#131786 by Greg Reason
Sun Oct 15, 2006 1:34 am
Saw him live a few years ago. Not a bad show, his set wasn't so flash (practically the same sound for forty minutes with only the most subtle of variations....) but he did a jam with Keiji Heino which was wonderful.

I chated with him for a while, this was very difficult as his Englis isn't very good. My friend was wearing an Emperor shirt and he said that he had seen Zyklon the week before and that he really loved a metal band called Hate.

#131843 by Tren
Mon Oct 16, 2006 4:48 am
I love my noise,., but for some artists its a case of does this guy have a plan or is he just fucking about and it sounds interesting?

To quote gen-p from throbbing gristle "i stole the vocals i did for merzbow back because i thought what he did was shit."

#131999 by dub
Thu Oct 19, 2006 3:31 am
So you don't like any improv Tren? :D

Obviously with the huge discog, not all Merz will measure up, but I'm a hopeful believer in that there could (and probably one day will) be a Merzbow album for everybody.

Congratulations on discovering noise Kris, you're about to go on a strange and wonderful journey.

#132059 by Tren
Fri Oct 20, 2006 3:57 am
I love improv man.,. i just mean at times you feel with merz he's just hitting record and he doesnt really know how shit/good the output will be. He's not even too selective about quality either which is why he has such an extensive backcatalogue.

#132100 by Greg Reason
Sat Oct 21, 2006 2:17 am
I think that avant garde performers tend to view records a little differently, many of them are probably more interested in capturing a moment than creating an intricately structured wok of art.

#132102 by Kristopher
Sat Oct 21, 2006 2:24 am
Greg Reason wrote:I think that avant garde performers tend to view records a little differently, many of them are probably more interested in capturing a moment than creating an intricately structured wok of art.

Now that is sumthin I fully agree with.

I had 'heard' of noise before, but never really grew an interest in it untill i ordered devlab (asap) now its something I am very open to and would enjoy hearing more, as I find it hard to randomly come across, and I know nobody personally who has an interest in it.

Now hitting record and fiddling with buttons to hear what comes out the other end (even if you have no idea what the knob actually does) i believe can create some of the coolest sounding stuff on the planet.
But i can respect that some people dont see it as music; that's because it is sound/noise; and literally, my ears will live and die on that stuff

#132104 by gazza
Sat Oct 21, 2006 2:46 am
minimogue and arppe 2600 are freeware moog/synths. awesome stuff to play/create with on the fly. one of them is here, google the other one.

#132105 by Tren
Sat Oct 21, 2006 4:35 am
Greg Reason wrote:I think that avant garde performers tend to view records a little differently, many of them are probably more interested in capturing a moment than creating an intricately structured wok of art.

That may be true but if countless other experimental bands artists can sync several other muscians into capturing "that moment" then that suggests talent. Hitting record and shooting along on a fluke doesnt make somebody a genius. Enough monkeys enough typewriters etc... I love glitchy stuff that the creator may not have been in control 100% when creating. In the case of merzbow though 80% of his collaborations and studio recordings seem to be effortless. Merzbow is everywhere yet nobody seems to want to work with Ichiro Tsuji,...

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