Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct

#114713 by psychotic
Mon Mar 06, 2006 12:29 pm
I wrote a 13 page paper a little over a year ago on how Parmenides and Zeno were incorrect in their teachings. Yes, it took me that long to disprove his paradoxes.

Don't forget the one about the race between the rabbit and the turtle where the turtle gets a head start, and the rabbit will never catch up, because in order for the rabbit to catch up to the turtle, it has to get where the turtle is when the rabbit starts. From there, the rabbit needs to get to where the turtle was when the rabbit reached the spot where the turtle was when the rabbit originally started, and so on, it's another one of those infinite things.

I know there was also one that involved an arrow, but I can't remember it at the moment.

I've completed a philosophy minor, so this stuff is kinda fun for me to get into.

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