Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct
#98070 by Tracy
Wed Dec 07, 2005 5:31 pm
Hey everyone. Can you all give me a crash course on myspace? I just went there for the first time (so what if I'm out of touch, I'm too busy! I don't browse on line anything I don't have to :P )

You all were talking at one time about the need for a DT/DTB page on myspace so I thought I should make one. However, there already is a very basic and dated one there.

How does one change the content of the page posted?
Are the pages "owned" by someone or can anyone make changes?

Any help is welcome.

#98079 by alucard0848
Wed Dec 07, 2005 7:53 pm
i just set mine up so im kinda a noob but do u have a password to login.
also is the page setup by dev or by someone who knows him awhile back.
if not then some die hard fan decided to make one and that person owns the page then the only option is to make brand new one. if u do have the password to login then just go to the edit modes and change whatever u like as well as pictures. as far as uploading songs and stuff i don't know how to do that. again i am nooby still on myspace.

#98087 by Eyesore
Wed Dec 07, 2005 8:35 pm
Yeah, MySpace is NOT easy, regardless of the "basic HTML" nonsense it claims. It's more like advanced HTML if you want it to look real good. I would have someone design it for you. There are websites like that will generate code for you after you select colors, and background designs, etc.

It all seems too involved to me. Ask for help. And make sure you sign up for a Music Page, not a regular site.

#98108 by psychotic
Thu Dec 08, 2005 1:51 am
Yeah, I'm really sorry, but I know pretty much nothing outside of inviting people and posting the occasional blog on there. I'm trying to learn, and I'll update as I learn, if it is needed, but there's plenty of smart people on here that can give their infinite help on here, so I'll give them their chance.

#98155 by FUBAR
Thu Dec 08, 2005 9:56 am
Tracy you should have put this under the 'ask the fans' section. :lol:

#98199 by BaldMosher446
Thu Dec 08, 2005 5:36 pm
Sorry Tracy, I'd help you if I could, but I'm very untrained as far as how to even run my own My Space! :lol:

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