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#97057 by Blazingmonga
Thu Dec 01, 2005 12:52 pm
I finally listened to '2112' today...and I quite liked it. I was prepared for something far cheesier, given the age. It was pretty cool though! I will have to listen to it quite a bit the moment all the songs sound fairly similar.

I can see why an artist like Devin would appreciate and want to tribute a band like this.

#97098 by gurp13
Thu Dec 01, 2005 9:20 pm
Blazingmonga wrote:I finally listened to '2112' today...and I quite liked it. I was prepared for something far cheesier, given the age. It was pretty cool though! I will have to listen to it quite a bit the moment all the songs sound fairly similar.

I can see why an artist like Devin would appreciate and want to tribute a band like this.

I might recommend Permanent Waves and A Farewell to Kings. Both are excellent albums as well. Then, when you get into the more recent Rush, I like Presto and Signals. "Losing It" is one of my all-time favorite Rush songs. "Analog Kid" is pretty effing good, too.

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