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Watch MTV?


#63210 by hairy
Wed Dec 29, 2004 10:53 am
Persuader wrote:Mtv used to be about music, but that was a looong time ago. Now it´s just commercials. The label that cough up the most money gets airtime. Sucks hairy balls.

you talking aboot my balls?

#63218 by Olive?
Wed Dec 29, 2004 11:58 am

#63219 by fragility
Wed Dec 29, 2004 12:04 pm
It does suck, its' true, but its always comical in minute doses...well, less so actual MTV...btu MTV 2 etc always give me a few giggles

#63248 by mo
Wed Dec 29, 2004 2:34 pm
THE_NEW_PLAGUE wrote:Ever watched any of those award shows on mtv? It`s like one LONG commercial...

i know what you mean...

I'd love to win an MTV award... I'd get arrested when I do my acceptance speech

#63353 by Vesper
Thu Dec 30, 2004 7:52 am
I sed to watch when Mtv Europe made sense (before they got localized n stuff)... those were the days, eh...

I've been clean for the last 5 years. No plans of buying meself a TV set anyway...

#63384 by BlueRaja
Thu Dec 30, 2004 11:46 am
I watched VH1 yesterday. Everything metal - Top 100 Metal Artists, Top 100 Most Metal Moments, some "back when I was in high school" show that featured people who were metal-heads; Chris Jericho - hubba-hubba ;) , Mike Piazza, Brett Scallions, Jim Breuer, etc, and The Rise of Velvet Revolver, which was soo interesting. It's really great to see how Slash and Duff have left drugs behind...Duff looks awesome! I knew there was something different about him (besides his appearance), and he is heavily into martial arts now...helped him overcome his addictions. And now Weiland is doing the same after having tried and failed rehab 32 times. :shock: So far he's clean.

All of that followed up with Behind The Scenes: Guns 'N Roses.

#63430 by Coma Divine
Thu Dec 30, 2004 8:13 pm
Ol' Duff has done pretty well recently, for someone who is actually older than ME. :roll:
Studying for a Bachelor's degree in Finance and being married to an absolute stunna! :P

Good on him!

#63468 by mo
Fri Dec 31, 2004 3:20 am
BlueRaja wrote:I watched VH1 yesterday. Everything metal - Top 100 Metal Artists, Top 100 Most Metal Moments, some "back when I was in high school" show that featured people who were metal-heads; Chris Jericho - hubba-hubba ;) , Mike Piazza, Brett Scallions, Jim Breuer, etc, and The Rise of Velvet Revolver, which was soo interesting. It's really great to see how Slash and Duff have left drugs behind...Duff looks awesome! I knew there was something different about him (besides his appearance), and he is heavily into martial arts now...helped him overcome his addictions. And now Weiland is doing the same after having tried and failed rehab 32 times. :shock: So far he's clean.

All of that followed up with Behind The Scenes: Guns 'N Roses.

I used to be a big Jericho fan... I don't even know how I used to like wrestling?!

Anyway Chris Jericho knows STUPID amounts about heavy metal. STUPID AMOUNTS!! Read some of his columns in metal edge or some of his commentaries on his website. He's pretty cool.

#63480 by Archetype
Fri Dec 31, 2004 5:24 am
I listen to all kinds of music, and MTV is a nice medium to get to know some stuff

#63531 by BlueRaja
Fri Dec 31, 2004 8:50 am
Very true about Jericho! I know he's a huge Dream Theater fan and have seen pics of him backstage with Mike Portnoy. Same with Piazza actually.

I plan on trying out Chris' band Fozzy. Has anyone here heard anything from them?

I found myself watching a show last night on MTV. Didn't have anything to do with music, but it was interesting...amd I saw Devin's commercial spot. Neeto. :D

#63870 by Persuader
Mon Jan 03, 2005 1:56 am
hairy wrote:
Persuader wrote:Mtv used to be about music, but that was a looong time ago. Now it´s just commercials. The label that cough up the most money gets airtime. Sucks hairy balls.

you talking aboot my balls?

Haha, you wish! :)

#63872 by Annulus k
Mon Jan 03, 2005 2:23 am
The only shows i watch on it are pimp my ride viva la bam made thats about it

#63886 by mo
Mon Jan 03, 2005 3:49 am
BlueRaja wrote:Very true about Jericho! I know he's a huge Dream Theater fan and have seen pics of him backstage with Mike Portnoy. Same with Piazza actually.

I plan on trying out Chris' band Fozzy. Has anyone here heard anything from them?

I found myself watching a show last night on MTV. Didn't have anything to do with music, but it was interesting...amd I saw Devin's commercial spot. Neeto. :D

Fozzy is ok, the first album is mostly covers but apparently the new shit is original. It features members of Stuck Mojo.

#63932 by Regal Jenkinson
Mon Jan 03, 2005 7:23 am
Devinaddicted_Nils wrote:Pimp my ride is really phat...i like that shit.

Agreed, I've just put this in another thread, but I really think Xhibit comes across really well in it. He's actually really funny.

But what I really love about it is the "meeting" where they discuss what shit they're going to put in the car, besides the obligitory Playstation 2.

"Yo Accessories, what you got for me?"
"Well, Antione loves fish, so I'm going to put a fish tank in his back seat."
"Woah, wait a minute, we're putting a fish tank... ion his car?! Man, that is phat."

#63967 by Bloody_Rust
Mon Jan 03, 2005 11:03 am
I would say that "every now and then I flick over". But it really is every now and then. I remember seeing Newlyweds when I had tonsillitis, and finding it very amusing. Occasionally I'll watch Cribs (but that's only if I flick over).

Is the Dev commercial actually being shown on MTV UK? Otherwise there's absolutely no point in me bothering to flick over :D

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