daneulephus wrote:Leechmaster wrote:I think this thread will inevitably hit a wall in terms of originality because the general consensus has already pretty much been summed up. There are social guidelines and rules that we all have to fall into to attempt to keep everything calm, cool and collected and if we don't then we're plucked from society for what we've done wrong.
Obviously individuals will have different morals and beliefs that often push and break those "contractual" aspects of society, but you can't change the way some people are. Taking myself as an example, I don't have any problems with stealing. From big businesses, mind. Never directly from someone or from a small business. Just places like Virgin, Tesco, HMV, etc. Obviously not something that would be smiled upon but I couldn't really care less. It's easy and it's monetarily beneficial so I do it and wouldn't make any apologies for it... All six-odd billion of us can't all think and act the same way.
Yes, but....what if you get caught? Are you willing to accept the consequences?
The consequences to any so called "immoral" action is again nothing more than an opinion and no not in my current frame of mind I would be be willing or want to accept the consequences. The whole point of it again was just to make it aware that just because we have agreed upon something by majority does not make it true or right.