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#169810 by beer992
Sat May 17, 2008 3:37 pm
Hey guys.

Tommorow Canada will be playing against Russia at the IIHF World Championship (hockey).

Hockey is kinda all about intimidating.
So i made thought this would be a nice flag for the Canadan team :twisted: !


Thoughts please :D .
#169813 by fullgore
Sat May 17, 2008 4:18 pm
well you killed the maple leaf, i think even devin would revile you for that!

But... Canada gets to seek retribution against Ovechkin. I'm hoping we win, even though I probably won't care to watch it.
#169833 by beer992
Sun May 18, 2008 8:19 am
fullgore wrote:well you killed the maple leaf, i think even devin would revile you for that!

Yeah i see now. But since i live in Holland i'm not fammiliar with being proud of a flag... (altough we have Van Halen :D )

The game will start in about 2 hours.
Crappy thing that i'm moving at the moment. So i don't have the channel at the moment to watch it... :roll:
#169849 by Kivenkantaja
Sun May 18, 2008 12:31 pm
Blockhead wrote:I think it's gonna be a damn close game :P Did you see Russia against Finland? Almost perfect playing IMO. I hope that Canada will win though.


The game has been pure awesomeness so far. 4th period is about to begin and I hope we'll see shootouts.
#169876 by sarai-chan
Mon May 19, 2008 2:47 am
It was a great game, but I feel sorry that Canada had those black moments in 3rd perioid which led the game
to a new rail.

If we haven't had won the winter war ages ago, we finns would be champions now :? :lol:

Great tournament anyway, and it was really nice to see that such countries as Norway and Germany
had their play on well!
It would be so nice to get some changes to the middle cast of ice hockey.
#169880 by Blockhead
Mon May 19, 2008 4:35 am
Well, it definitely was a close game! :) A nice comeback by the Russians and when the fourth period began and it was on 4 on 4, it was clear - the skillful players like Ovechkin and Fedorov would get some space, Russia would have taken it even without Nash's penalty. After all, the better team won. And did you see how happy the winners were? :)
#169881 by Biert
Mon May 19, 2008 4:41 am
Who won? And was it the final or something?
#169890 by fullgore
Mon May 19, 2008 12:47 pm
Blockhead wrote:the skillful players like Ovechkin and Fedorov would get some space, Russia would have taken it even without Nash's penalty. After all, the better team won. And did you see how happy the winners were? :)

oh yeah, the skill players is something that Canada doesn't have, right...

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