Talk about whatever you want to here, but stay correct
#120925 by Greg Reason
Sun May 07, 2006 6:30 am
It was kickin. He played a really fuckin little club and the show was only advertised the week of the performance, so it was a fairly low-key sorta thing. He played a whole bunch of stuff of his two new albums (Side A and Side B) and then did four King Crimson tunes. He didn't pick mu winning stuff from KC but I will admit that he picked material that his three piece band did justice to.

He did an amazing solo section where he looped a guitar riff and played George Harrison's "Within You Without You" over the top and then did some more trippin shit. His playing throughout the night was stunning; he looks so old and funny (tucked in shirt, shoulder length grey skullet, funny face-pulling etc) but my goodness does he burn! I guess that is what to expect from Fripp alumni.

His band was typically amazing. The bassist in particular was a motherfucker, he played Chapman Stick on the four KC tunes and had utterly monstrous technique. He played the craziest bass solo I have ever seen in my life except for Hub from The Roots.

So a pretty good deal for thirty bucks. Then after the show Belew stuck around and signed shit for everyone. He was keen to sign whatever you brought, saying "it just means you like me!" in response to the pile I had. So he signed some King Crimson, some Bowie, some Zappa, some NIN, some Tori Amos and some Porcupine Tree for me... fuckin champion. Hasn't heard of Meshuggah, but I put the word in so hopefully he'll be gettin down soon :twisted:

#120927 by Goat
Sun May 07, 2006 7:54 am
What were you doing with "some Bowie, some Zappa, some NIN, some Tori Amos and some Porcupine Tree" at a Belew concert? :shock:

#120935 by EphelDuath666
Sun May 07, 2006 9:57 am
because he contributed to those CD's? ;)

#120942 by fullgore
Sun May 07, 2006 2:08 pm
^It's true.

Glad you enjoyed it. I'd have loved to go to that show :)

#120950 by Pisshead
Sun May 07, 2006 7:55 pm
I'm starting to feel out of touch on this forum...

But then i've started to become out of touch with life anyway!

#120963 by psychotic
Mon May 08, 2006 12:09 am
I saw him a while ago when he played at a local holiday thing (I think it was for Memorial Day, so it was almost exactly a year ago today), and the guy was plain amazing.

#120966 by Greg Reason
Mon May 08, 2006 1:02 am
Goat wrote:What were you doing with "some Bowie, some Zappa, some NIN, some Tori Amos and some Porcupine Tree" at a Belew concert? :shock:

Belew played guitar on Bowie's Lodger, Stage and Rare, Zappa's Sheik Yerbouti and Baby Snakes, Nine Inch Nails' The Downward Spiral and The Fragile, Tori Amos' Strange Little Girls and Porcupine Tree's Deadwing, among many other albums that I did not take...

#121021 by ianlogan123
Mon May 08, 2006 9:51 am
Sounds good. I've never really listened to much Belew. Where should I start?

#121086 by Greg Reason
Mon May 08, 2006 6:33 pm
King Crimson's The Power to Believe is a great place to start. Modern, sharp, impressive and as relevant now as they were in '69, albiet with only one original member (Robert Fripp)...

#121184 by CardDinour
Wed May 10, 2006 1:26 am
i was going to go, but i had tonsilitis on his 2nd round of shows and his first lot i couldnt afford, i just had a really expensive april so i was forced to not go. bit unfortunate cos i really wouldve enjoyed going. im sure he will be back one day.

#121480 by Noodles
Sat May 13, 2006 11:42 am
I think a really good place to start with King Crimson would be the "Vroom Vroom" live album, it covers much of what they've done and is a lot more energetic/less abstract than any of their studio work. And the double trio was my favourite incarnation of KC, but thats beside the point.

#121501 by BLOOOR
Sun May 14, 2006 12:24 am
he'll be back
the response here was so great, hopefully its even enough to convince king crimson to pop by next time!

did he play "one time" at any of the shows? he didn't at the one I saw

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